February 20, 2023
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Agency Salary Survey Results; Markets: Agribusiness / Farm & Ranch
National Coverage
Editor's NoteEmployee Engagement
This issue reveals data and compensation insights gathered from... -
FeaturesAllstate’s Plan to Return to Profit in Auto
Following a year of turbulence in its auto insurance business,... -
FeaturesRising Costs of Secondary Perils Force Reinsurers to Require Higher Attachment Points
Economic and insured losses from secondary perils from natural... -
FeaturesRoot Sues Former CMO Over at Least $9.4M in Unauthorized Payments
Root Inc., the parent company of Root Insurance, has followed up its... -
FeaturesFedEx Loses Bid to Undo $366M Racial Bias Verdict, Files Appeal
A U.S. judge rejected FedEx Corp's request to throw out or reduce a... -
FeaturesGlobal Commercial Insurance Rates Rise 4% in Q4, Continuing Moderating Trend: Marsh
Global commercial insurance prices increased 4% in the fourth quarter... -
Features‘A Tale of Two Halves’ for Insurance Mergers, Acquisitions in 2022
Last year was a tale of two halves for insurance mergers and... -
FeaturesYoung Voices Reflect on Industry Talent Crisis
It's no mystery: The insurance industry is experiencing a monumental... -
FeaturesWhen Mother Nature Strikes; Working Together to Mitigate Natural Catastrophe Risk: AM Best Webinar
Climate change is contributing to increasingly intense natural... -
FeaturesAgency Salary Survey: Employee Pay Spikes As Agency Talent Pool Shrinks
On the heels of the lowest U.S. unemployment rate in 53 years,... -
FeaturesAs Salaries Skyrocketed, Satisfaction Improved in 2022
Insurance agency personnel on average made more money in 2022 and... -
FeaturesLivestock Operations Grow as Demand Rises; Nationwide’s Cumings Sees Direct-to-Consumer Models Adding Additional Liability Risk
Specialization is critical in the cattle business and increased... -
FeaturesMarketing Data Can Reduce AI Bias in the Insurance Industry
Just a decade ago, the idea that artificial intelligence (AI) might... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Risk Factors
A generation has passed since the last hard market and a substantial... -
FeaturesInsurance Advertising and Regulators
Anyone who has read this column for the past four years, or earlier... -
Features3 Steps to Driving Sales Growth During a Recession
As 2023 moves into the second quarter, intense speculation surrounds... -
FeaturesHow Social Inflation Is Impacting the Architects, Engineers Market
Social inflation has been a hot topic across the insurance industry... -
FeaturesWhy a Focus on Development Is Critical to Retaining Talent
The insurance industry's talent problems are no longer looming, they... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Shock Loss/ Distress Trucking Insurance Market Available Market... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
National Marsh McLennan named Pat Tomlinson CEO of U.S. and Canada.... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
National Curi, Constellation Curi Holdings Inc. and Constellation... -
Nevada Gigafactory "We will be investing over $3.6 billion more to...