March 19, 2012
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Hot New Markets; High Risk Property; Corporate Profiles; 2011 Mergers & Acquisitions Summary Report
In this Issue
FeaturesBreathing Life into a P/C Agency
If someone were to hand you a blank check to enhance your bottom... -
FeaturesColorado Revisits Marijuana DUI Standard
A divisive driving-while-high bill is back before the Colorado... -
FeaturesCommercial Lines Prices Up for 4th Straight Quarter: Survey
Commercial insurance prices increased an aggregate 3 percent during... -
FeaturesImmigrant Files $1M Claim Against Arizona Sheriff
A Mexican immigrant who had a romantic relationship with an Arizona... -
FeaturesLawyer Claims Highest Known Workers’ Comp Settlement in California History
Attorney Christopher Asvar believes he has secured the highest known... -
FeaturesLow-Cost Online Commercial Lines Quoting Tool for P/C Agents Launched
The launch of a real-time commercial lines rater that gives agents... -
Editor's NoteNeed for El Nido
To non-Spanish speakers, El Nido may sound like it translates to "the... -
FeaturesReport: Arizona P/C Insurers See Premiums Written Fall, Losses Rise
A report on Arizona's property/casualty insurers issued recently... -
FeaturesStudy: California Cell Phone Restrictions Reduce Deaths
A study from the University of California, Berkeley says a nearly... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Golden Bear Stockton, Caif.-based Golden Bear Insurance Co. has... -
Shell Suit "Shell probably would not have filed this case if they did... -
People & PlacesPeople
Edgewood Partners Insurance Center, a retail property, casualty and...
National Coverage
FeaturesHot Insurance Markets in 2012
2012 Hot Market: Housing Market 2012 is delivering a sense of growing... -
Features2012 Hot Markets: High-Tech Crime and the Cloud
This article is part of our Hot Insurance Markets for 2012 special... -
Features2012 Hot Markets: Green Building, Retrofits Offer Growing Opportunity
This article is part of our Hot Insurance Markets for 2012 special... -
Features2012 Hot Markets: Healthcare Remains a Healthy Market
This article is part of our Hot Insurance Markets for 2012 special... -
Features2012 Hot Markets: New Hope in Housing Market
This article is part of our Hot Insurance Markets for 2012 special... -
Features25 Years in Agency Management
Today's Market Demands Greater Efficiencies, Operational Management... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines’ Multistate Clearinghouse Numbers Don’t Work
Recent data from Florida indicate that the economics for a multistate... -
FeaturesThe Death of Direct Mail Is Greatly Exaggerated
Converge Direct Mail with Digital Marketing Only marketers that... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: What to Consider When Buying or Selling an Agency
There is a tremendous amount of mergers and acquisitions activity... -
FeaturesA Role for Characteristic Event Methodology in Catastrophe Risk Management
When catastrophe models were first introduced in the late 1980s, they... -
FeaturesWealthy Americans Fear Lawsuits But Lack Sufficient Coverage
America's wealthiest families increasingly worry that their wealth... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in...