June 4, 2001
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Financial Services Integration
In this Issue
FeaturesCloyce Anders, Louise Canter Elected to IIAA Officer Posts
Independent Insurance Agents of America's (IIAA) National Board of... -
FeaturesWho’s Who Across Texas, Local Associations at Work
Local associations across the state continue to contribute to their... -
FeaturesFinancial Services Integration: A Question of Privacy
Mailboxes throughout the West have been rapidly filling with... -
FeaturesState Fund To Become Texas Mutual Insurance Company
The Texas Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund will become the Texas... -
FeaturesNAMIC Endorses Increase of Small Company Tax Exemption
The country's smallest, mostly rural, insurance companies would... -
FeaturesPatterson Marks 20 Years as TSLA Administrative Executive
The record-setting final episode of M.A.S.H. was still two years in... -
FeaturesWho’s Who Across Texas, Local Associations at Work
Local associations across the state continue to contribute to their... -
Legal BeatArticle 21.55: Reason Prevails
For a generation, or so, courts around the country have thought that... -
FeaturesThe Big ‘I’ Goes to Washington
It was a new year, a new administration, and a new round of visits on... -
Cover StoryAgents Selling Financial Services, Three Texas Agents Discuss Success
During the last decade, the wall separating the worlds of banking and... -
FeaturesHighlights of Actions by the Texas Legislature Affecting Texas Insurance
Following is an overview of the 77th Texas Legislature offered by Bo... -
FeaturesThe Changing Face of the London Insurance Market: Lloyd’s Admits ‘Foreign’ Brokers-Ins-sure Takes Ov
The London insurance market achieved two significant milestones... -
FeaturesHow Does Your Agency Compare’ The Middleton Group biannual compensation survey
Not surprisingly, compensation continues to be the single largest... -
Parting ShotsWade Spilman: Peerless Advocate, Irreplaceable Friend
Wade Spilman was always proud to say that, even though he wasn't an... -
Editor's NoteGramm-Leach: The Devil’s Rope
All the recent talk about the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act got me to... -
NewsbriefsTimberline Insurance Services Now Guaranty Insurance
Timberline Insurance Services Inc. is now operating as Guaranty... -
NewsbriefsSIIS To Hold Catastrophe Modeling Forum
Austin-based Southwestern Insurance Information Service will hold a... -
NewsbriefsHigginbotham & Assoc. To Market PEO Services
Higginbotham & Associates, an independent insurance agency... -
NewsbriefsTexas Commissioner Warns HMOs, Insurers About Slow Payments
Texas Department of Insurance Commissioner José Montemayor issued a... -
NewsbriefsGAINSCO, INC. Reports First Quarter Losses
Nonstandard property and casualty insurance holding company, GAINSCO,... -
NewsbriefsHCC Insurance Holdings Increases Earnings for First Quarter
Houston-based HCC Insurance Holdings Inc. announced that earnings... -
NewsbriefsCrop Policies on U.S. Cotton Increase
A study conducted by an agricultural economist with Kansas State...