October 22, 2001
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
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In this Issue
FeaturesNAII Suggests Changes to Texas Mold Proposal for HO Policies
In conjunction with the fourth and final hearing held by the Texas... -
FeaturesFederal Government Proposes Plan to Help Cover Future Terrorist Attacks
The Bush Administration has come up with an alternative to the... -
FeaturesTaking Advantage of Tragedy: Some Individuals Turn to Fraud
The amount of pain and suffering that people have to deal with in the... -
Cover StoryAgency Management Systems Evolve, Expand Opportunities for Agents
I'm amazed and astounded that in today's marketplace there are still... -
FeaturesIIAA Heads to the Islands for a Much-Needed Industry ‘Update’
Grow Your Business—Secure Your Future" was slated to be the theme... -
Editor's NoteLet’s Get to Know Each Other
I've seen some of you. Not many, but some. I've talked to many of... -
NewsbriefsWTC Developer Seeks $7.2 Billion
The developer who had control of the World Trade Center (WTC) at the... -
NewsbriefsINSpire, LGMT Create Alliance
Fort Worth-based INSpire Insurance Solutions has entered into a... -
NewsbriefsMO Authorizes State National
The state of Missouri awarded Fort Worth-based State National... -
Houston-based HCC Insurance Holdings Inc. confirmed its net loss from... -
NewsbriefsLIGA TO LOSE $175M
The Louisiana Insurance Guaranty Association (LIGA) will take a $175... -
NewsbriefsMarsh TO LAUNCH Crisis unit
Marsh & McLennan Cos.' Marsh Inc. insurance-brokerage unit has... -
FeaturesCommentary: 6 Common Website Mistakes and How to Fix Them
In an effort to be noticed in today's crowded online marketplace,... -
FeaturesIn the Thick of National Crisis: IJ Talks with IIAA CEO Rusbuldt
As the nation was reeling from tragedy, Robert A. Rusbuldt, CEO of... -
Parting ShotsConsumer Online Access: Help Your Customers Help You
People used to get into elevators and give the floor number to an...