January 28, 2002
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
2002 Excess, Surplus and Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. I
In this Issue
FeaturesTDI Looks into Pricing; Mold Task Force Appointed
The Texas Department of Insurance recently opened two fronts in the... -
FeaturesCurrent, Former IIAT Members File for Political Posts
A total of 10 current or former members of the Independent Insurance... -
FeaturesWeather Derivatives Offer New Solutions to anOld Problem
The market in weather derivatives has really developed over the last... -
Cover StoryE&S Lines Basking in the Warm Glow of a Hard Market
Early in 2000, insurance prices started doing something they had not... -
Legal BeatIt Couldn’t Be Done: A Policyholder’s Idea To Reinvigorate Third Party Bad Faith
The Setting Throughout the 1980's and early 1990's, the risk of bad... -
Editor's NoteWhat’s Risk Got to do With It’
I recently watched the movie, "Traffic," with my teenaged daughter.... -
NewsbriefsTop Flight to Take Republic Casualty
Top Flight Insurance Co. of Norman, Okla., is slated to acquire the... -
NewsbriefsLa. Court Rejects Appeal
Rejecting an appeal of a previous court decision, the Louisiana... -
NewsbriefsKrispy Kremes for Okla. Legislators
Oklahoma state senators and representatives can expect to be provided... -
NewsbriefsMed-Mal Cover Available in Ark.
Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Mike Pickens recently assured... -
NewsbriefsMcDermott favored in La. Case
Judge Sarah S. Vance of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern... -
NewsbriefsHome linked to Frankel Case Sold
Mississippi Insurance Commissioner George Dale sold a home seized... -
RatingsA.M. Best Affirms Capitol Transamerica
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A+"... -
RatingsAllstate Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength ratings of the... -
RatingsS&P Affirms AXA Group
Standard & Poor's today affirmed its "AA" long-term counterparty... -
RatingsING Comercial America Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. has affirmed the "A" (Excellent) rating of ING... -
Parting ShotsCommunicating Effectively with Your Wholesaler
The managing general agent (MGA) has long been a part of the... -
FeaturesRising Prices Hit Commercial Property Market
Dire predictions have been floating around since September 11...