February 25, 2002
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Ocean Marine, Catastrophe
In this Issue
Cover StoryThe Ocean Marine Market: A Unique Animal
Like life itself, insurance began in the ocean, eventually spawning... -
FeaturesCatastrophe Modeling-Feeding the Risk Transfer Food Chain
The increasingly sophisticated business of constructing catastrophe... -
FeaturesA.M. Best: Enron Bankruptcy Costs Insurers More than $3 Billion
According to a new report by A.M. Best, the bankruptcy of... -
FeaturesWhat Does it Mean to Own Expirations’ Lawsuit Aims to Find Out
At the heart of a lawsuit filed against Allstate Insurance Company by... -
FeaturesActive Hurricane Season Expected for 2002
What is a Hurricane? A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone—a... -
FeaturesAnalysts and CEOs See Eye-to-Eye at P/C Joint Industry Forum
Analysts and insurance company CEOs who recently addressed the... -
FeaturesTexas Gubernatorial Hopefuls Target Homeowners Insurance
Two Texas gubernatorial candidates—current Republican governor,... -
FeaturesThe View from Up There-Insurers Embrace Space Age Technologies
In the summer of 2001, a U.S. District judge in Arkansas ruled... -
Legal BeatCaught in the Middle: When Agent Representations Lead to Liability
Questions often arise as to the context and circumstances in which an... -
Parting ShotsParting Shots: Leveraging Consumers’ Desire for Convenience
Imagine positioning your agency as the exclusive provider of all... -
Editor's NoteThe Politics of Mold
The politicians have gotten into the fray. Sounding off on the twin... -
NewsbriefsGAINSCO Drops Commercial Lines
Fort Worth, Texas-based nonstandard property and casualty insurer,... -
NewsbriefsAlabama Co. BUYS TX Agencies
Vesta Insurance Group Inc., a Birmingham, Ala.-based holding company... -
NewsbriefsOklahoma Takes Over Texas Co.
After a request by Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher,... -
NewsbriefsU.S. Airlines Seek Liability Cover
U.S. airlines have gathered together to form their own insurance... -
NewsbriefsOkla. Ice Storm Estimate AT $17M
Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher announced that... -
NewsbriefsSIAA Welcomes Louisiana Agency
The Strategic Independent Agents Alliance (SIAA), a national... -
NewsbriefsAIA Salutes Arkansas Task Force
The Alliance of American Insurers (AIA) commended the Arkansas... -
RatingsS&P Lowers State Farm Lloyds
Standard & Poor's lowered its counterparty credit and financial... -
RatingsA.M. Best Gives Builders Ins. Group ‘A-‘
Builders Insurance Group. was assigned an "A-" (Excellent), FSC VI... -
RatingsS&P Assigns Delta Casualty Co. ‘R’
S&P assigned its "R" financial strength rating to Delta Casualty Co.... -
RatingsBest Affirms Harleysville
A.M. Best affirmed the financial strength rating of "A" (Excellent)... -
RatingsBest Affirms Progressive Cas. Pool
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A+"...