April 15, 2002
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Farm & Ranch + Environmental
In this Issue
Cover StoryCattle Loom Large on the Farm & Ranch Scene
Whoopee ti yi yo, git along little dogies It's your misfortune, and... -
Parting ShotsUsing Technology and Understanding Technology are 2 Different Things
Have you read an article or brochure lately about insurance... -
Editor's NoteWho Am I’
When someone new shows up in one of your favorite magazines, I guess... -
FeaturesAllstate Moves 12 Percent of TX Auto Customer to Unregulated Unit
Citing poor financial performance at its Allstate Property and... -
FeaturesThe Illusion of Protection: Terrorism, War and Workers’ Compensation
The impact of the terrorist attacks of September 11th on the... -
Legal BeatDiscrimination and Wrongful Termination
Although workers' compensation coverage affords insurance for... -
Features2001: The Insurance Industry’s ‘Annus Horribilis’
In future years property/casualty insurers will no doubt look back on... -
FeaturesSaleSource Marketing Success for Agents
Jim Rose, sales consultant to Automated Selling Process LLC, put it... -
FeaturesAMS’ Parsons Sees Small Agencies as theFinal Frontier
Loren Parsons, president and CEO of agency management systems... -
Cover StoryCattle Loom Large on the Farm & Ranch Scene
Whoopee ti yi yo, git along little dogies It's your misfortune, and... -
FeaturesFireman’s Fund Unveils New Software for Middle-Market Business
Fireman's Fund Insurance has developed a new software program,... -
FeaturesUnderground Storage Tanks: Word Leaks Out on Cover Enforcement
Owners and operators of underground petroleum storage tanks are a... -
FeaturesCommentary: Credit Histories Benefit Consumers
It is time to set the record straight and dispel some of the myths... -
Parting ShotsUsing Technology and Understanding Technology are 2 Different Things
Have you read an article or brochure lately about insurance... -
Editor's NoteWho Am I’
When someone new shows up in one of your favorite magazines, I guess... -
NewsbriefsReinsurer Nabs GAINSCO Assets
Texas-based GAINSCO Inc., a holding company with personal auto... -
NewsbriefsHouston ‘I’ Day Goes Global
The Independent Insurance Agents of Houston and a host of sponsors... -
NewsbriefsInsurance Auto Auctions in Okla.
Automotive salvage and claims processing services provider, Insurance... -
NewsbriefsSIIS to Host Public Policy Forum
The Southwestern Insurance Information Service (SIIS) will host a... -
NewsbriefsAon Addresses Tornado/Hail Loss
Aon announced that its reinsurance services unit has assembled... -
NewsbriefsNAII Urges Rate, Tort Reform in La.
The National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) warned that... -
NewsbriefsFIWT Takes to the Mountains
The Federation of Insurance Women of Texas heads to El Paso April 26... -
NewsbriefsHouston CPCU’s Save the Music
The Houston Chapter of CPCU, a longtime supporter of an inner city... -
RatingsGeneral Agents Group Downgraded
A.M. Best Co. downgraded the financial strength rating of General... -
RatingsFitch Rates CNA Subs
Fitch Ratings has assigned new ratings to various entities of CNA... -
RatingsMarsh Notes Assigned ‘AA-‘
Standard & Poor's assigned its "AA-" senior unsecured debt rating to... -
RatingsGE Global Rated ‘AA’
Fitch Ratings assigned its "AA" long-term issuer rating to GE Global... -
RatingsOutlook Neg. for Monoline Re’s
S&P changed its outlook to negative from stable on monoline... -
RatingsState Farm Ratings on WatchNegative
S&P placed its "AAA" financial strength ratings on all State Farm's...