July 22, 2002
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Agency Management + Premium Finance
In this Issue
FeaturesHow Retail Agents Can Best Use the Surplus Lines Industry
Do your homework. Check it over, twice. And an apple for the teacher... -
Legal BeatA Short Walk Through Surplus Lines
To many insurance professionals, surplus lines policies are a... -
Cover StorySurplus Lines, The Industry’s Safety Valve
It is a rare occurrence today, but not so long ago tying down the... -
Editor's NoteA Safety Valve
The surplus lines industry is traditionally thought of as a safety,... -
NewsbriefsTX GOP in League with Insurers’
Texas Democrats, claiming Republicans are more sympathetic to... -
NewsbriefsLa. Auto Rates Rising
Citing increasing medical and repair costs, a weak stock market, and... -
NewsbriefsWC Guidelines Under Fire
The Texas Medical Association (TMA) and the Texas AFL-CIO have filed... -
NewsbriefsOklahoma Agent Suspended
Wewoka, Okla.-based insurance agent, Julius Rice, had his license... -
NewsbriefsTX Court Limits Med-Mal Exposure
The Texas state Supreme Court placed limits on health care providers'... -
RatingsKemper Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A-"... -
RatingsERC/GE Global On Watch Negative
Fitch Ratings placed the "AA" long-term issuer rating of GE Global... -
RatingsLWCC Upgraded
Louisiana's largest workers' compensation insurance company,... -
RatingsPMA Capital Corp. Under Review
A.M. Best Co. placed the "A" (Excellent) financial strength rating of... -
RatingsMeadowbrook Raised
Meadowbrook Insurance Group Inc.'s group rating of its insurance... -
FeaturesDamage from Texas Floods Could Top $1 Billion
Now that floodwaters in Central and South Texas have begun to recede,... -
FeaturesMunich Re Creates a Stir With Reserves Announcement
Munich Re, the world's largest reinsurer, announced several measures... -
FeaturesSurveying the E&S Market with Swett & Crawford’s Hartoch
Swett & Crawford chairman David Hartoch has seen a number of changes... -
Legal BeatA Short Walk Through Surplus Lines
To many insurance professionals, surplus lines policies are a... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Industry Continues to Play its Role
Since it's inception in the early 19th century, the surplus lines... -
FeaturesThe Surplus Lines Market-From Deep in the Heart of Texas
In the teeth of the first true hard market in nearly two decades,... -
FeaturesPrevent Water Damage with Monthly T.L.C. (Thorough Leak Checks)
The Texas Department of Insurance reports one of every three Texas... -
FeaturesDisparities Between House, Senate Bills Hold Up Terrorism Backstop
The U.S. insurance industry must have breathed a collective sigh of... -
Editor's NoteA Safety Valve
The surplus lines industry is traditionally thought of as a safety,... -
NewsbriefsTX GOP in League with Insurers’
Texas Democrats, claiming Republicans are more sympathetic to... -
NewsbriefsLa. Auto Rates Rising
Citing increasing medical and repair costs, a weak stock market, and... -
NewsbriefsWC Guidelines Under Fire
The Texas Medical Association (TMA) and the Texas AFL-CIO have filed... -
NewsbriefsOklahoma Agent Suspended
Wewoka, Okla.-based insurance agent, Julius Rice, had his license... -
NewsbriefsTX Court Limits Med-Mal Exposure
The Texas state Supreme Court placed limits on health care providers'... -
RatingsKemper Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A-"... -
RatingsERC/GE Global On Watch Negative
Fitch Ratings placed the "AA" long-term issuer rating of GE Global... -
RatingsLWCC Upgraded
Louisiana's largest workers' compensation insurance company,... -
RatingsPMA Capital Corp. Under Review
A.M. Best Co. placed the "A" (Excellent) financial strength rating of... -
RatingsMeadowbrook Raised
Meadowbrook Insurance Group Inc.'s group rating of its insurance... -
Parting ShotsE&S Professionals Meet Challenges with Innovative Solutions
I was invited to speak to the San Antonio Independent Agents in... -
FeaturesProfits Fell, Losses Climbed for P/C Industry
It's pretty much common knowledge by now that the property and... -
Legal BeatA Short Walk Through Surplus Lines
To many insurance professionals, surplus lines policies are a...