In this Issue
Editor's NoteThere’s Always the Weather
People who live in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana are rarely... -
FeaturesInsurance Still on the Table at the 78th Texas Legislature
As promised, the 78th Texas Legislature is on a roll with insurance... -
FeaturesSegal Sells Near North Brokerage; New Accusations Loom
February brought good news and bad news in the saga of Chicago-based... -
Proponents of the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act... -
Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Mike Pickens announced that Gary... -
The Alliance of American Insurers (AAI) said it is pleased with the... -
NewsbriefsCLEAR AS MUD
According to the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII),... -
The Houston National Association of Insurance Women announced its... -
FeaturesLost at Sea: Hardening Marine Market Challenges Agents and Brokers
Marine insurance is, as Insurance Journal put it last year, "a unique... -
Cover StoryEPLI-Higher Prices, More Claims, Tighter Underwriting
It is often said that every situation has a light at the end of the... -
FeaturesSeeking Stability in the D&O World
The world of directors & officers coverage may be hanging out signs... -
RatingsKemper on CW Neg
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services placed its "BB+" counterparty... -
RatingsLloyd’s Affirmed
S&P's affirmed its "A" long-term insurer financial strength rating on... -
FeaturesDiSC-o-Mania, or, Winning With the Letter-Perfect Staff
Do you know what letter of the alphabet you are? Actually, you only... -
FeaturesManaging Marketing and Sales Efforts in the Hard Market
In a new series in Insurance Journal, we'll have industry experts... -
FeaturesThe Call of the Conference
Even with the dominance of the Internet, and the trend toward doing... -
FeaturesTRIA – a Flood of Paper, a Trickle of Buyers
December is the most dreaded month for a surplus lines broker. In... -
Parting ShotsObservations From the Storm
Unless you've been hiding under a rock somewhere for the past year or...