July 21, 2003
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Surplus Lines/Political Issue
In this Issue
Editor's NoteIs Regional the Way to Go’
There is a question that bounces back-and-forth when it comes to... -
FeaturesKemper Sends Agents Scrambling to Replace Business
Lost amid news of the Kemper Insurance Cos.' precipitous slide in... -
FeaturesAs Summer Heats Up, So Does Vehicle Theft
While some of us may be living easy at the beach or in the mountains... -
Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Robert Wooley said preliminary... -
Travis County District Judge Patrick Keel has found that a San... -
Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Mike Pickens announced an overall... -
Due to an anonymous tip, Texas Mutual Insurance Company will be... -
RatingsAtlantic Mutual Lowered
Standard & Poor's Ratings Service lowered its counterparty credit and... -
RatingsGulf Insurance Group Downgraded
A.M. Best Co. downgraded the financial strength rating to "A"... -
RatingsSheffield Earns ‘A’ From S&P
S&P assigned its "A" financial strength rating to Sheffield Insurance... -
RatingsJames River Assigned
A.M. Best Co. assigned an initial financial strength rating of "A-"... -
RatingsGE Financial/P&C Under Review
A.M. Best Co. has placed the financial strength rating of "A"... -
RatingsMontpelier Re Gets ‘A3’
Moody's assigned an "A3" (Good) insurance financial strength rating... -
RatingsSCOR and Subs on Watch Neg
S&P placed all its long-term ratings, including its "A-" counterparty... -
RatingsInter Hannover Cut to ‘A+’
S&P lowered its long-term counterparty credit and insurer financial... -
Cover StoryRegional Carriers Zone In on Helping Agents
When it comes to buying and selling insurance, there is a common... -
FeaturesLegislation, Building Relationships Mark Year for TSLA Leader
Paula Burnes, CEO of the Texas Surplus Lines Association (TSLA),... -
Minding Your BusinessSWOT Analysis
In past articles we have recommended that agencies perform a SWOT... -
FeaturesNew AIG Construction Specialty to Focus on Builder & Contractors
Responding to the lack of availability in the construction market,... -
FeaturesMontemayor Confident Reforms Will Level the Field for All Participants
Texas Insurance Commissioner José Montemayor and the Texas... -
Legal BeatFifth Circuit Finding That Trademark is Not Advertising Limits Coverage B
Coverage B, the lesser-known part of the standard commercial general... -
FeaturesThe Benefits of Forming Your Own Premium Finance Company
This is the first in a three-part series on captive premium... -
FeaturesFlorida RRG Hopes to Address LTC Liability Crisis
With national and state efforts at altering medical liability rules... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Lessons from the 78th Legislature
With the regular session of the Texas Legislature now mercifully over...