August 18, 2003
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Personal Auto/D&O/Bonds
In this Issue
Editor's NoteNever a Dull Moment
It seems there's never a dull moment in the Texas homeowners market.... -
FeaturesTexas Carriers Ordered to Lower Homeowners Rates
On Aug. 8, the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) ordered most of... -
FeaturesRecovery From Adverse Conditions on Minds of IIS Seminar Attendees
The International Insurance Society's 39th Annual Seminar, held in... -
NewsbriefsTexas Ag, Farmers Make a Deal:
According to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, the state reached a... -
NewsbriefsEureste Disbarred for WC Fraud:
Texas Mutual Insurance Company reported that the Texas State Bar has... -
NewsbriefsOkla. Agency in Conservatorship:
The Oklahoma Insurance Department announced that Aviation Insurance... -
NewsbriefsIllegal Plan Fined Millions:
Texas Insurance Commissioner José Montemayor levied fines totaling... -
NewsbriefsOkla. to Hold WC Hearing:
The Oklahoma Board for Property and Casualty Rates approved a Sept.... -
FeaturesTexas’ Costliest and Deadliest Storms
The Insurance Council of Texas (ICT) reported that among the state's... -
FeaturesSpalding Honored with ICT’s Raymond Mauk Award
Clem H. Spalding, who for many years played a major leadership role... -
Legal BeatPunishing Who’ The Debate Over Insuring Punitive Damages
Two recent Texas opinions have re-opened an issue of public policy.... -
FeaturesOne Year After Sarbanes-Oxley, a Fresh Look at D&O Underwriting
The anniversary of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) has opened... -
Cover StoryUninsured Drivers Travel Under the Radar
Two things are abundantly clear when it comes to the issue of... -
RatingsLiberty Mutual Lowered
Fitch Ratings lowered its insurer financial strength ratings on... -
RatingsNational Indemnity Affirmed
Fitch affirmed the "AAA" insurer financial strength ratings of the... -
RatingsS&P Cuts Swiss Re
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services lowered its long-term counterparty... -
FeaturesSeeking Stability in the Surety Bond Market
The past two years have resulted in a time of turmoil for the surety... -
FeaturesProduction, Service & Employee Satisfaction Drive Higginbotham to the Top
Fort Worth-based Higginbotham & Associates began as a small personal... -
FeaturesnuServe Allows Agents to Identify Risks Quickly
In today's fast-paced business world, technology is an invaluable... -
FeaturesPros, Cons of Outsourcing a CPF vs. Running In House
This is the second in a three-part series on captive premium... -
Parting ShotsDespite Compulsory Coverage Laws, Fight Against UMs Marches On
"Compulsory auto insurance." It sounds like the "silver bullet" for...