January 12, 2004
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
The Industry's Most Influential
In this Issue
Minding Your BusinessTrends 2004: Are You Prepared’
One of the basic fundamentals we stress to our clients is to be... -
FeaturesStandards Boost Efficiency of Licensing, Appointments and Contracts
Technology developments in the past few years have delivered cost and... -
FeaturesNAIC President Csiszar Tells All
Insurance Journal sat down with incoming President Ernst Csiszar,... -
FeaturesNAIC Meeting Targets Reform in 2004
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) conducted... -
FeaturesBig I’s Virtual University Tops Insurance Journal Poll
You know you're onto a story when anyone or anything outscores... -
FeaturesWho Made the Most Influential Agent List in 2003′
The Insurance Journal conducted a month-long readers' poll to... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyHow to Get More than Referrals from Your Leading Accounts
In this inaugural column, we'll explore methods of putting your book... -
FeaturesInsurance Journal, InsuranceTimes Team Up for Northeast Publication
San Diego-based Wells Publishing Inc., publisher of the Insurance... -
RatingsUnitrin Revised
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A"... -
RatingsOhio Casualty Group Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A-"... -
RatingsIowa Mutual, Iowa American Upgraded
A.M. Best Co. upgraded the financial strength ratings to "A"... -
RatingsWhite Mountains Ins. Group Affirmed
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services affirmed its "BBB-" counterparty... -
FeaturesPeak Performance Offers Insight to Agency Management
Whether you are an avid skier, or just a beginner, you might be... -
FeaturesRecord Number of Risk Retention Groups Formed in 2003
Never before in the history of the Liability Risk Retention Act... -
Editor's NoteTime to Make a Change
Another year, another chance to make a change. January 1 is a day... -
FeaturesInsurers Balk at Halliburton’s Asbestos Exit Plan
In mid-December 2003, Houston-basedHalliburton Company filed Chapter... -
FeaturesICT Details New Laws Taking Effect in 2004
The Insurance Council of Texas recently issued a reminder that new... -
Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Mike Pickens announced that Steven... -
Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst has formed the Senate Select... -
The Louisiana Department of Insurance announced that two department... -
The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas announced that more than... -
Cover StoryPerry Says Reforms are Paving Way for Regulatory Modernization
To start off the new year, Insurance Journal asked Texas Governor... -
FeaturesEarlybird Forecast for 2004
Each year the Insurance Information Institute invites a panel of Wall... -
FeaturesBuilding Agency Value Through Perpetuation
Editor's note: Agency perpetuation, or ownership succession for an... -
FeaturesThe Rule of 55
When the Rule of 55 was first explained to me in 1981, it didn't have... -
FeaturesDesigning an Internal Perpetuation Plan
Perpetuation planning should begin as soon as the business is... -
FeaturesTexas-More than Just the Alamo and Football
The United States Census Bureau's Census 2000 estimated the... -
Parting ShotsThe Challenge of Perpetuation
Agency principals are getting younger, but not fast enough. A recent...