In this Issue
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Corey Magliolo MaximFinancial, headquartered in Dickinson, Texas,... -
FeaturesTillinghast Survey Shows D&O Premiums Up 33 Percent Then Leveling Off
Employment Practices Claims Now Driving Force Behind D&O Losses and... -
Cover StoryThe Desert Climate of Agency E&O
As an agent or broker, there's no doubt in your mind that E&O... -
FeaturesUnderwriting the Guessing Game of EPL Premiums
The apparent inconsistencies in the way underwriters quote Employment... -
RatingsHarleysville Group’s Negative Outlook
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services commented on Harleysville Group... -
RatingsBristol West Group Upgraded
A. M. Best Co. upgraded the financial strength ratings to "B+" (very... -
RatingsProAssurance Assigned
S&P assigned its preliminary "BBB-" senior debt and "BB" preferred... -
RatingsOhio Casualty Outlook Revised
S&P revised its outlook on American Fire & Casualty Co., Ohio... -
RatingsJupiter Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A+"... -
FeaturesTechnology and All That Jazz: AAMGA Automation & Tech. Conference
The American Association of Managing General Agents will hold their... -
FeaturesInsurance Technology Investments Yield Positive Returns for Industry
The manner in which insurance agents, brokers and companies invest... -
Editor's NoteAgents’ E&O: Crisis or Not’
As an agent or broker, it can be frustrating to reveal an exorbitant... -
CurrentsOklahoma’s Fisher Faces Felony Corruption Charges
Last August, Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner was charged with driving... -
The Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA) demanded a... -
The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Louisiana (IIABL) has... -
Texas Mutual Insurance Company reported that Dr. Catherine Delaney, a... -
New MarketsStock Throughput and Marine Contractors
Nuts & Bolts: Marine Managers launched two new programs, the Stock... -
New MarketsSpecialized Truck Equipment
Nuts & Bolts: With its newly enhanced STEP SPICE policy endorsement,... -
New MarketsCommercial Property, Liability, Crime
Nuts & Bolts: The Chubb Group of Insurance Companies has updated its... -
New MarketsUmbrella and Follow Form Excess
Nuts & Bolts: GE Commercial Insurance has increased capacity to write... -
New MarketsFine Dining
Nuts & Bolts: Axiom Insurance Managers is offering a new Fine Dining... -
New MarketsPackage and Commercial Auto
Nuts & Bolts: Superior Access Insurance Services Inc. is offering a... -
FeaturesSLSOT Sees Slowing of Surplus Lines Rate Increases
The Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas was established in 1988 as... -
FeaturesSmall Businesses Start Small Then Grow into Big Businesses
According to the U.S. Census Bureau there were more than five million... -
Parting ShotsThe Hard Market’s Over … Or Is It’
Although I've been around the specialty industry for more years than... -
Legal BeatIt Can’t Be Done: Article 21.55 and the Duty to Defend
Almost two years ago, I wrote a column for "Legal Beat" entitled It... -
FeaturesSteer Your Clients Away from Unnecessary Risks of Sexual Harassment
Despite a heightened awareness, sexual harassment still is pervasive...