March 22, 2004
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Workers' Comp Directory
In this Issue
FeaturesLearn from the Pros-Common Attributes of Successful Agencies
You're a 15 handicap on the links. Your swing isn't perfect, but you... -
Cover StoryAll Wrapped Up in Workers’ Comp
No surprise, but with the first quarter of 2004 drawing to a close,... -
FeaturesHazard in the Workplace: OSHA Identifies Businesses with Highest Injury Rates
High hazard industries pay high workers' comp premiums for increased... -
FeaturesProducer Compensation Plans – What Should You Pay and Why’
A key factor to the success of an agency is the way producers are... -
FeaturesLawyers and Reforming the U.S. Legal System
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." Shakespeare's... -
RatingsAmerican Phys. Assurance Lowered
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services lowered its counterparty credit... -
RatingsHighmark Ratings, Outlooks Revised
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the majority of the financial strength ratings... -
RatingsArgonaut Group Affirmed, Outlook Stable
S&P affirmed its ratings on Argonaut Group Inc. and its insurance... -
FeaturesLittle Relief in Sight for Tight Longshore Marketplace
The Longshore and Harbor Workers' Act was first passed in 1927, and... -
FeaturesTerrorism and TRIA – What’s in Store for the Future’
Two years later, fate of the historic act remains unknown If a camel... -
Editor's NoteEthics Awareness Month
I have mixed views on Martha Stewart's plight. On the one hand, I... -
FeaturesOklahoma Legislature Tackles Tort Reform, Workers’ Comp Issues
Elected Commissioner Not Likely to Happen This Time Around The... -
FeaturesAn Improving Texas Homeowners Market
The Texas homeowners insurance market is apparently on the rebound,... -
Texas Mutual Insurance Company reported that Roger Gilbreth pleaded... -
A bail bond agent operating in the Greater New Orleans area has... -
Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher issued an order... -
Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Mike Pickens said agreements have... -
Workers' Compensation Research Institute, based in Cambridge, Mass.,... -
New MarketsAuto Related Workers’ Compensation
Nuts and Bolts: Integrated Programs Insurance Services (IPIS)... -
New MarketsCommercial Trucking
Nuts & Bolts: Arrowhead General Insurance Agency Inc. is offering a... -
New MarketsProfessionals Liability Exposures
Nuts & Bolts: A new insurance policy from the Chubb Group of... -
New MarketsPackage and Commercial Auto
Nuts & Bolts: Superior Access Insurance Services Inc. is offering a... -
New MarketsSpecialty Marine and Pleasure Craft
Nuts & Bolts: Trafalgar Marine Insurance Services Inc. announced it... -
New MarketsSpecialty Marine Products
Nuts & Bolts: Trafalgar Marine Insurance Services Inc. is also... -
FeaturesAdding Value in the Workers’ Comp Market Through Technical Analysis
If insurance brokers want to add value and differentiate themselves... -
FeaturesThe Case for Group Legal: Now More Than Ever
To say today's human resource managers are getting the squeeze is the... -
FeaturesFour States, Four Workers’ Compensation Systems
Differences in the way workers' compensation systems operate from... -
FeaturesControlling Medical Costs in Workers’ Compensation
Rising healthcare costs are recognized as a key problem in the... -
FeaturesIs Ethics Training ‘Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing”
March is Ethics Awareness Month in the insurance and financial... -
FeaturesStudy Finds Employees Unprepared for Retirement
The greatest fear amongst employees is outliving their savings,... -
Parting ShotsWorkers’ Comp – Buying a Policy or Selecting an Insurance Partner’
Recently, while conducting an education program for a group of agency... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Alan Ring Insurance Journal announced the promotion of Alan M. Ring...