In this Issue
Minding Your BusinessThe Two Faces of Automation
An interesting event happened at a recent strategic planning session... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyEleven Good Reasons to Reassign a Commercial Lines Account
In most offices, it's easier to get a bone from a starving dog than... -
Cover StoryUp for Sale: Success in Today’s Homeowners Market
States show signs of stability, but problem areas remain Despite... -
FeaturesBarbies, Apes, Model Trains Galore; Don’t Forget Those Collectibles
Let's say you're sitting in a client's living room, putting the... -
FeaturesScience, Technology Deal a Tough Hand in Agribusiness Market
From chicken to fish farms, orange groves to bean stocks, the... -
On The StreetIs Carrier Solvency a Worry on Everyone’s Mind’
Carrier solvency is on the tip of everyone's tongue. It is the one... -
FeaturesTen Tips to Improve a Contractor’s Surety Program
In today's tight market, it's becoming harder and harder for... -
FeaturesScience, Technology Deal a Tough Hand in Agribusiness Market
From chicken to fish farms, orange groves to bean stocks, the... -
Editor's NoteInsuring the American Dream
Food, clothing and shelter. Economically speaking, those are the bare... -
FeaturesOklahoma House Considers Impeachment Proceedings Against Fisher
With the introduction of House Resolution 1040 by State Rep. John... -
FeaturesAgents Cry Foul Over Crop Insurance Premium Discounts
Independent agents are up in arms over the federal government's... -
A Mandeville, La., insurance agent was shut down and booked on... -
Oklahoma Senate Republican leaders made a case in a news conference... -
United States Attorney Jane J. Boyle announced that in early March... -
New MarketsProperty, Liability Cover for Overseas Operations
Nuts & Bolts: The St. Paul Companies introduced an enhanced version... -
New MarketsProfessional Liability for Homeland Security Department Contractors
Nuts & Bolts: The AIG Companies introduced SAFETY Act Homeland... -
New MarketsPublic Auto
Nuts & Bolts: General agent KF&B Inc., of Glendale, Calif., announced... -
Legal BeatManifestation and Reporting of Mold Claims
New mold, even if it "ensues" from an old leak, may be covered.... -
FeaturesThe Sad Case of the Mad Cow
The discovery in December 2003 of the first known case of bovine... -
FeaturesSpanish Train Bombings Renew Terrorist Threat
March 11, 2004 now joins Sept. 11, 2001 as dates no one now living... -
FeaturesProgressive Paloverde Resolves Differences With IIABL
Progressive Paloverde, the Progressive Group's direct distribution... -
FeaturesThe ‘Red Flag’ That Isn’t There
Starting from an early age, I was always interested in the subject of... -
FeaturesLegislators Try to Get a CLUE About Loss Reports
Among the many topics addressed by the property/casualty insurance... -
Parting ShotsAgents and Homebuyers Need the Right Clues to Make Smart Decisions
Many recent media accounts would have us believe that prior loss... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Dan Pettigrew Caliber Collision Centers, which operates collision...