July 5, 2004
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
2004 E&S Directory Vol. II
In this Issue
Minding Your BusinessThe Sales Meeting
The practice of "sales management" is embraced by some and ignored by... -
FeaturesAt NAMIC, The Door’s Wide Open to Companies of All Sizes
Chairman Tim Hegarty Explains How His Trade Group Serves Big and... -
Cover StoryAnother Soft Market Creates a Hard Reality
Like a commercial airline scrambling to squeeze out a profit in the... -
FeaturesMost Recent Hard Market May Be Past Its Prime
Over the period 1989 through 2001, the property/casualty insurance... -
FeaturesIndustry At ‘Point Of Inflection,’ Says Standard & Poor’s
The insurance industry, now teeter-tottering between a hard and a... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyPrototype Marketing Helps to Assure Your Agency’s Future
It always seems like the other guys are growing quickly. How about... -
RatingsGE ERC Affirmed
A.M. Best affirmed the "A" (excellent) rating of GE's Employers... -
RatingsCoregis Downgraded; Outlook Stable
A.M. Best Co. downgraded the financial strength rating to "B+" (very... -
RatingsProgressive Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength ratings of "A+"... -
RatingsGeneral Re Group Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength ratings of "A++"... -
RatingsOld Republic Mercantile Affirmed
S&P affirmed its "AA" counterparty credit and financial strength... -
Editor's NoteLegislative Summertime
Oklahoma and Louisiana lawmakers wrapped up their regular legislative... -
FeaturesLouisiana Legislature Ends Regular Session With More Reforms
The Louisiana Legislature wrapped up its regular session for 2004 on... -
FeaturesBrokers Urged to Avoid Surprises in Lawyers E&O
The news that the market for lawyers' liability coverage is softening... -
Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst has reportedly taken State Farm and... -
The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas reported it is building an... -
The Louisiana Department of Insurance and the Louisiana Insurers'... -
Lloyd's America revealed it is investigating allegedly bogus umbrella... -
Conning Research & Consulting Inc. released a study concluding that... -
New MarketsGarage Liability
Nuts & Bolts: Russell Grace Inc. is offering in Texas: garage... -
New MarketsPublic Officials Liability
Nuts & Bolts: Executive Perils is offering liability protection for... -
New MarketsTrucking Program
Nuts & Bolts: Cascade/Amstar is offering a new Trucking Program:... -
New MarketsLegal Liability for Truck Cargo
Nuts & Bolts: The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. broadened... -
New MarketsHomeowners Coverage
Nuts & Bolts: The Hartford Financial Service Group Inc. introduced a... -
New MarketsHigh Level Disability Income
Nuts & Bolts: Rockwood Programs has partnered with ASU International... -
FeaturesAgency Value-What is Your Agency Worth’
Over the years, I have found that many agency owners peg their agency... -
Legal BeatWhen Fee Audits and Legal Privileges Collide
Few areas of insurance law practice are as sensitive as the audit of... -
FeaturesAssociation Awards Golden Torch to Insurance Journal’s Publisher
Mark Wells Mark Wells, editor and publisher of Insurance Journal and... -
FeaturesSarbanes-Oxley ‘Stifles Competition,’ Says MetLife CEO
In the opinion of one major industry player, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act... -
Web MailLa. Work Comp Bill Would Create ‘Open Season’ on Businesses
Texas/South Central • News May 28, 2004 No, we lawyers just know... -
Web MailS.C. Homeowners’ Flex Rating Bill Gets House Backing
Southeast News • May 28, 2004 Kudos to Ernie and South Carolina for... -
Web MailParis Airport Collapse Insurance Recoveries Unclear
International News •June 1, 2004 De Gaulle Airport Collapse - Vive... -
Parting ShotsOklahoma’s 2004 Legislative Session Marked by Successes and Frustration
The 2004 session of the Oklahoma legislature was unusual. It was... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Jesse Beck Dallas-based commercial insurance firm, McQueary Henry...