September 6, 2004
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Umbrella Insurance
In this Issue
FeaturesEase of Doing Business Plays a Critical Role When Choosing Carriers
How does the carrier-agency relationship affect the buying decision?... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Margie Bishop Vista Insurance Partners, based in San Antonio,... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyGrow Small Commercial Accounts with a “Producer-Free Zone”
There are myriad reasons and methods for restructuring your agency.... -
FeaturesFive Steps to Creating a Small Commercial Producer Free Zone
• Make certain your commercial CSRs have the necessary license and... -
FeaturesAAMGA University Aims Fundamentals Class at Newbies
Something different was definitely in the air at a seminar put on by... -
FeaturesThree Years Later: Industry Rebuilds from 9/11, But Doesn’t Forget
Robert Hartwig, senior vice president and chief economist for the... -
Features9/11 Impact on Marsh Nothing Short of Devastation
Marsh & McLennan Companies Chairman and CEO Jeff Greenberg remembers... -
Cover StoryA World of Opportunity Exists Under the Umbrella Market
While it's hard to find many positives about today's increasingly... -
RatingsSafeco Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A"... -
RatingsLloyd’s of London Upgraded
A.M. Best Co. upgraded the financial strength rating to "A"... -
RatingsAXA Corporate Solutions Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A-"... -
Editor's NoteA Salute to Soldiers
Whatever one's personal opinion about the war in Iraq—it's... -
FeaturesCompetitive Rating, Uniform Regulation Are Key Elements of Oxley-Baker Bill
Sweeping legislation being drafted by federal lawmakers would end... -
FeaturesProponents Laud Success of Medical Liability Reforms
It's been a year since the voters of Texas passed Proposition 12,... -
Certain staff members of Craig's Collision Center on Beach Street in... -
Alina Lee, 14, of Evans, Ga., and Ji Ho Moon, 15, of Ellicott City,... -
The Texas Workers' Compensation Commission recently approved the... -
Allstate Texas Lloyds, an affiliate of the Allstate Corporation will... -
FeaturesMarketScout Honoring U.S. Heroes with Sept. 11 Celebration
Dallas-based MarketScout is holding a Heroes! celebration on Sept. 11... -
New MarketsE&O for Broker-Dealers
Nuts & Bolts: CalSurance launched a specialized errors and omissions... -
New MarketsCommercial Property
Nuts & Bolts: AXIS U.S. Insurance's excess and surplus property unit... -
New MarketsContractors
Nuts & Bolts: Sandy, Utah-based Prime Ins. Syndicate Inc. is offering... -
New MarketsRestaurants with Liquor
Nuts & Bolts: Midlands Management Corp. has a new market for... -
New MarketsAmateur Sports Facilities
Nuts & Bolts: Philadelphia Ins. Cos. has a new "Amateur Sports... -
New MarketsEvacuation Coverage
Nuts & Bolts: ACE USA's Global Terrorism Unit has a new policy to... -
Legal BeatThe Debate Over Punitive Damages Continues!
Some things never change. Just last August in this column I wrote... -
FeaturesNCOIL Accepts NAIC Changes to Market Conduct Model
Under heavy pressure from Congress and insurance industry lobbyists... -
Web MailLiberty Mutual/SADD Teen Driving Study Reports Kids Follow Lead of Parents
National • Aug. 10, 2004 Students will emulate parental driving... -
Web MailWis. Comp Costs Rose 11%, Still Low in Comparison
Midwest • Aug. 12, 2004 "Medical costs rise 11 percent or more for... -
Web MailTexas Jury Awards $24.7 Million in Drunk Driving Case
Texas South Central • Aug. 13, 2004 "How about making the charge to... -
Web MailInsurers Say Charley Not as Devastating as Andrew
National • Aug. 17, 2004 "The magnitude of devastation depends on... -
Parting ShotsNo Instruction Book for Dealing With Employee Theft
No matter what your position in business—small business owner,...