In this Issue
FeaturesIIAT Traditions Run Deep at Convention in Austin
Reynolds sworn in as president, McCain wins Drex Foreman Award. Among... -
FeaturesSmall Business Owners Face Gaps, Confusion Over Insurance Problem
Many U.S. small business owners face a major gap in their insurance... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Silly Business Suits Back in Style
Saying nice things about trial attorneys is not the surest way to win... -
FeaturesWhat is Finite Risk Reinsurance? A Definitive Explanation
Recent insurance industry investigations have begun to put prior... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
Louisiana Three Arrested for Accident Staging The Louisiana State... -
FeaturesJerry Blais
Tom Ellis Zurich North America appointed Jerry Blais to a newly... -
FeaturesWorkers’ Compensation Reform: A Tale of Two States
For the 2005 legislative session, events and circumstances aligned,... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Expanded Excess Surety Bond Nuts & Bolts: The Chubb Group of Ins. Co.... -
FeaturesAim for the Bull’s Eye: Focus on Market Characteristics Improves Programs
Drilling Down into a Market's Data Unearths Insights Conventional... -
FeaturesInternational Newsbriefs
EU Leaders Fiddle While Europe Burns: The crisis in the European... -
FeaturesHow to Market Program Business to Carriers: Tell All, Honestly
Target Markets Mid-Year Meeting Program administrators, painfully... -
FeaturesStandard & Poor’s Annual Insurance Conference
Top Corporate Executives Stress Moving Beyond Spitzer Despite recent... -
FeaturesMGAs, Program Administrators Told Selling Out May be Way to Go
Steve Way Has Built Giant HCC Holdings Via Acquisitions and He's Not... -
FeaturesWhat Lines Program Insurers Like, Dislike
Insurers' appetite for targeted insurance programs still favors... -
FeaturesMaking the Grade in Agency Diagnostics
As individuals, the easiest way to see how well you are performing is... -
FeaturesLaying the Groundwork for New Insurance Programs
While many new insurance program ideas emerge from various sources,... -
Cover StoryTarget Markets Aims to Win
Nearly five years ago, a group of program specialists gathered in... -
RatingsNAICO Downgraded
A.M. Best Co. downgraded the financial strength rating to "B+" (very... -
RatingsIndependence American Upgraded
A.M. Best Company upgraded Independence American Insurance Co. rating... -
RatingsRembrandt Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A"... -
RatingsAlea Group’s Subsidiaries Under Review
A.M. Best Co. placed the financial strength rating of "A-"... -
Editor's NoteSilly Business Suits Back in Style
Saying nice things about trial attorneys is not the surest way to win... -
FeaturesWhat is Finite Risk Reinsurance? A Definitive Explanation
Recent insurance industry investigations have begun to put prior... -
FeaturesSmall Business Owners Face Gaps, Confusion Over Insurance Problem
Many U.S. small business owners face a major gap in their insurance... -
Parting ShotsWorkers’ Compensation Reform: A Tale of Two States
The cries for meaningful workers' compensation reforms have... -
FeaturesIIAT Traditions Run Deep at Convention in Austin
Reynolds sworn in as president, McCain wins Drex Foreman Award. Among... -
New MarketsExpanded Excess Surety Bond
Nuts & Bolts: The Chubb Group of Ins. Co. introduced "SuretyPlus,"... -
New MarketsLiability for Restaurants
Nuts & Bolts: Monitor Liability Managers Inc. released "Restaurant... -
New MarketsLuxury Pleasure Boats and Mega-Yachts
Nuts & Bolts: INAMAR, the marine marketing and underwriting division... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
Jerry Blais Zurich North America appointed Jerry Blais to a newly... -
The Louisiana State Police Insu-rance Fraud Unit arrested three Ville... -
Former Okla-homa Insurance Co-mmissioner Carroll Fisher, his former... -
Texas Mutual Insurance Company reported that in unrelated cases Texas... -
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has signed legislation making it tougher on...