In this Issue
FeaturesSurety Survey Shows Dramatic Changes in Marketplace Over Past 10 Years
Grant Thornton LLP recently released the results of its Surety Credit... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Quirk & Company Quirk & Company announced the opening of a Pacific... -
FeaturesHow Retail Agents Can Develop/Improve Relationships with Wholesalers
The answer is yes. And now for the question. Did you know that if... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
ARKANSAS Forged State Check Scam Centers on Ark. Arkansas Attor-ney... -
FeaturesInsurers Post Special Toll-Free Numbers to Help Katrina Victims
At press time, forecasters were predicting insured losses from... -
FeaturesCelebrating 75 Years, Quirk & Company Looks to 100 and Beyond
As we celebrate our 75th anniversary year, reflections on the past... -
FeaturesPass it On: Transferring Your Agency to the Next Generation
Selling a small or mid-sized insurance agency is relatively easy. An... -
FeaturesCancellation and Reinstatement
Richard v. Century Sur. Co. (W.D. La. June 25, 2005) Question of fact... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: In Katrina’s Wake
As this issue of Insurance Journal goes to print, southeast Louisiana... -
FeaturesBorn to File Claims: Driving Behavior is Written in the Stars
Many people turn to the stars for direction in matters of money, love... -
FeaturesBig Changes in Texas Workers’ Comp System
As a result of House Bill 7, passed by the 79th Texas Legislature,... -
People & PlacesPeople
Colemont Insurance Brokers has added Bob Maeyama as a senior... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Contractor's General Liability Nuts & Bolts: Universal Casualty... -
FeaturesBy Dave Thomas
IIHS Study Says Low-Cost Road Alterations Can Reduce Urban Road...... -
FeaturesZodiac Underwriting Guide to Drivers
Affable Aquarius (21 January - 19 February) Aquarius' gentle... -
FeaturesSLSOT 2005 Seminars Planned for October
Speakers from the Texas Department of Insurance, the state... -
FeaturesCSRs That Say “I Do” Can Marry the Account to the Agency
In a favorable agency environment, the producer and account manager... -
FeaturesComparison of SLSOT Premium Processed by Line of Business
Premium Premium Line of Business Through 06/05 Through 06/04 % Change... -
FeaturesLloyd’s of London Finds its 21st Century Form
Lloyd's is 317 years old and doing just fine thank you. London's... -
FeaturesHow to Get the Competition Fired, Without Saying Anything Bad About Them
I've been a sales guy for 28 years. My first sales job was selling... -
FeaturesSmall Business Units Deliver Bread n’ Butter for Peak Performing Agencies
In the movie "City Slickers," Billy Crystal's character is taught he... -
FeaturesNAPSLO Prepares for Record Attendance at Annual Conference
Leadership Says Surplus Lines Industry in Good Shape; Ready for... -
FeaturesWhere to Find Inexperienced Agency Producers
Is it wiser to grow by hiring a veteran agent or is it better to hire... -
FeaturesFinding Solutions to the Industry’s Compliance Requirements
Technology Initiatives Can Help Carriers Enhance Regulation... -
FeaturesNumber of Federal Tort Trials Plummeted 80%, Justice Department Reports
The number of tort trials concluded in U.S. district courts declined... -
FeaturesStrategies to Tap into Profitable, New Business Accounts
Developing new business is an integral part of every insurance... -
FeaturesAfter the Internet, Comes The Invasion of the Insurance Exchanges
Independent Agents May Soon Have a New Opportunity, Says... -
FeaturesInternational Newsbriefs
Extreme Weather Hits Europe: Devastating wild fires in Portugal;... -
FeaturesBig ‘I’ Fields Busy Agenda at Annual Meeting in Big Apple
The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America will convene... -
FeaturesInsurers Address Brokerage Income Directly to Consumer
Some Carriers Issue Endorsements on Producer Compensation Disclosure... -
RatingsACE’s U.S. Subsidiaries Upgraded
A.M. Best Co. upgraded the financial strength ratings to "A+"... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Back to Earth with Surplus Lines
NARRATOR: The year is 2010 and Dr. Lois Kwoat, Dr. Heywood Jawrithis... -
Cover Story2010: A SURPLUS ODYSSEY:
FeaturesAugust Plane Crashes Take Deadly Toll
No less than five airline accidents occurred in the month of August,... -
FeaturesClarendon Clarifies Hannover Re Decision on Programs
Many people questioned what Hannover Re's Chief Executive Wilhelm... -
FeaturesBut Lawmakers, Interest Groups Still Debate Over Use of Aftermarket Parts
But Lawmakers, Interest Groups Still Debate Over Use of Aftermarket... -
RatingsZenith National Affirmed
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services affirmed its "BB+" counterparty... -
RatingsSt. Paul Travelers Subs Under Review
A.M. Best Co. placed the financial strength ratings of "A+"... -
Editor's NoteIn Katrina’s Wake
As this issue of Insurance Journal goes to print, southeast Louisiana... -
FeaturesForged State Check Scam Centers on Ark.
Arkansas Attor-ney General Mike Beebe's office said it is among... -
People & PlacesPeople – South Central
Ron Alexander Colemont Insurance Brokers has added Bob Maeyama as a... -
New MarketsContractor’s General Liability
Nuts & Bolts: Universal Casualty Company, a member of Kingsway... -
New MarketsFarm and Ranch Program
Nuts & Bolts: The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas and The... -
New MarketsCommunity Bankers’ D&O
Nuts & Bolts: Mayfield Village, Ohio-based Progressive Casualty Ins.... -
New MarketsSocial Services Professional Liability
Nuts & Bolts: NAS Insurance Services introduced new social services... -
New MarketsRenters Legal Liability
Nuts & Bolts: Lexington Insurance is offering a new market for... -
New MarketsTenant Discrimination Liability
Nuts & Bolts: NAS Insurance Services is introducing a new program... -
FeaturesPass it On: Transferring Your Agency to the Next Generation
Selling a small or mid-sized insurance agency is relatively easy. An... -
Case WatchCase Law Watch
Richard v. Century Sur. Co. (W.D. La. June 25, 2005) Question of fact... -
FeaturesBorn to File Claims: Driving Behavior is Written in the Stars
Many people turn to the stars for direction in matters of money, love... -
FeaturesSurety Survey Shows Dramatic Changes in Marketplace Over Past 10 Years
Grant Thornton LLP recently released the results of its Surety Credit... -
FeaturesCelebrating 75 Years, Quirk & Company Looks to 100 and Beyond
As we celebrate our 75th anniversary year, reflections on the past... -
FeaturesSLSOT 2005 Seminars Planned for October
Speakers from the Texas Department of Insurance, the state... -
FeaturesBig Changes in Texas Workers’ Comp System
As a result of House Bill 7, passed by the 79th Texas Legislature,... -
FeaturesIIHS Study Says Low-Cost Alterations Can Reduce Urban Road Crashes
Spending a small amount of money on busy roadways in cities can... -
FeaturesInsurers Post Special Toll-Free Numbers to Help Katrina Victims
At press time, forecasters were predicting insured losses from... -
Parting ShotsHow Retail Agents Can Develop/Improve Relationships with Wholesalers
The answer is yes. And now for the question. Did you know that if...
National Coverage
FeaturesInsurers Address Brokerage Income Directly to Consumer
Just last week, one of the assistant directors at our firm, Brunie... -
FeaturesAugust Plane Crashes Take Deadly Toll
No less than five airline accidents occurred in the month of August,... -
FeaturesCarriers, Cycles and Performance Five Years Down the Road
FeaturesAfter the Internet, Comes The Invasion of the Insurance Exchanges
Independent insurance agents have outplayed and outscored the... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyWhere to Find Inexperienced Agency Producers
Believe it or not, every four-year graduate doesn't want to jump from... -
FeaturesPINnacle Xchange
CT Insurance Services introduced enterprise automation that... -
FeaturesSmall Business Units Deliver Bread n’ Butter for Peak Performing Agencies
In the movie "City Slickers," Billy Crystal's character is taught he... -
FeaturesHow to Get the Competition Fired, Without Saying Anything Bad About Them
FROM A SALES PERSPECTIVE: I've been a sales guy for 28 years. My... -
Extreme Weather Hits Europe: Devastating wild fires in Portugal;... -
FeaturesClarendon Clarifies Hannover Re Decision on Programs
Many people questioned what Hannover Re's Chief Executive Wilhelm... -
Features2010: A
The Road Ahead for Surplus Lines Wholesalers The model surplus lines... -
FeaturesState Farm Car Parts Reversal Gives Boost to Class Action Critics
Critics of national class action suits were among those cheering the... -
FeaturesNAPSLO Prepares for Record Attendance at Annual Conference
As the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices... -
FeaturesGuidelines to Better Manage Compliance
The following seven elements can help insurance companies identify... -
FeaturesBig ‘I’ Fields Busy Agenda at Annual Meeting in Big Apple
The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America will convene... -
FeaturesFinding Solutions to the Industry’s Compliance Requirements
Compliance requirements for the insurance industry have changed... -
FeaturesLloyd’s of London Finds its 21st Century Form
Lloyd's is 317 years old and doing just fine thank you. London's... -
FeaturesACE’s U.S. Subsidiaries Upgraded
A.M. Best Co. upgraded the financial strength ratings to "A+"... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Back to Earth with Surplus Lines
NARRATOR: The year is 2010 and Dr. Lois Kwoat, Dr. Heywood Jawrithis... -
FeaturesNumber of Federal Tort Trials Plummeted 80%, Justice Department Reports
The number of tort trials concluded in U.S. district courts declined... -
FeaturesStrategies to Tap into Profitable, New Business Accounts
Developing new business is an integral part of every insurance...