February 6, 2006
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
2006 Agency Salary Survey
In this Issue
FeaturesBaylor University endowed professorship honors Texas agent
Presentation of scholarship endowment to Baylor University. Pictured... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Court sides with Allstate in Rita evacuee expenses case A state... -
FeaturesManaging Your Agency
For smaller companies, such as small and medium sized insurance... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Insurers seek bond measures for Texas catastrophe fund Taking a cue... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Oklahoma's legislative session shifts into gear Lawsuit reform,... -
Closing QuoteYoung agent tricks and treats
Any activity done ouside the office is always better than doing... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note:
The insurance industry is expected to pay out a record $56.8 billion... -
People & PlacesPeople
Dianne Morris of Austin, Texas, has been elected president of the... -
Editor's note: This recurring feature examining insurance coverage... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
The Austin, Texas-based National Alliance Research Academy has... -
New MarketsNew Markets
New Markets Oklahoma Commercial Auto Nuts & Bolts: RISC Inc. is... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Bill Bailey, director of the Hurricane Insurance Information Center... -
FeaturesInsurance-related measures filed in Oklahoma Legislature after Jan. 1, 2006, for 2006 Regular Session
HB2375 Insurance; surplus lines HB2392 Requirements for pharmacy... -
Doing the right thing is profitable -
FeaturesSpitzer probe brought bad practices to light, panel says
That the investigation of New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer... -
Minding Your BusinessAgency value and price–what sellers can expect to put in their pocket
Today there is constant attention by those asking agency owners to... -
Cover StoryWho is worth what?
Last year was not a big year for raises in independent insurance... -
FeaturesLloyd’s disconnects troubled Kinnect technology
Ultimately "all the King's horses and all the King's men" couldn't... -
CurrentsRisk models show industry burden under TRIA
The extension of the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act represents... -
FeaturesHarvesting value: revaluation revolution comes to farms lines
Is the valuation revolution coming to farm insurance? For several... -
CurrentsGovernment estimates its cost under terrorism insurance extension
The Congressional Budget Office is projecting a government cost of... -
FeaturesQuestion is not whether to buy umbrella… but how much
It seems that every risk today has a big exposure, regardless of size... -
FeaturesOrganized crime targets cargo containers
The Federal Bureau of Investigation conservatively estimates that... -
Currents64% of firms suffer loss due to cyber incidents
The FBI reports that 9 out of 10 organizations in the country are... -
FeaturesCaution: Motor truck cargo insurance not for rookies
Transportation insurance and, more specifically, motor truck cargo... -
CurrentsRisk models show industry burden under TRIA
The extension of the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act represents... -
FeaturesHow courts are viewing motor carrier cargo disputes
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the BMC-32... -
FeaturesQuestion is not whether to buy umbrella… but how much
It seems that every risk today has a big exposure, regardless of size... -
FeaturesWhat happens when the excess carrier goes under
Analysis of one typical large company's 65 years of excess casualty... -
Insurers writing monoline farm policies and incidental professional... -
Directors and officers liability insurance capacity leveled off at... -
Editor's NoteThe big one
Is this the year Texas will be hit by the "big one?" Last year,... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
Dianne Morris of Austin, Texas, has been elected president of the... -
FeaturesCourt sides with Allstate in Rita evacuee expenses case
A state district judge in Austin, Texas, has ruled Allstate will not... -
FeaturesYoung agent tricks and treats
Like many of you, I started my insurance career with an empty desk... -
Case WatchCase Law Watch
Oklahoma Savage v. Burton(Okla. App. Nov. 15, 2005) Son-in-law did... -
FeaturesInsurers seek bond measures for Texas catastrophe fund
Taking a cue from the Scout motto "Be Prepared," a group of insurers... -
FeaturesBaylor University endowed professorship honors Texas agent
Bill Bailey, founder of Bailey Insurance & Financial Services in... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Oklahoma Commercial AutoNuts & Bolts: RISC Inc. is rolling out a new... -
FeaturesSpitzer probe brought bad practices to light, panel says
That the investigation of New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer... -
FeaturesOklahoma’s legislative session shifts into gear
The bill-filing deadline for the Oklahoma Legislature passed Jan.19,... -
FeaturesSeven tips for successful insurance process outsourcing
Outsourcing often receives a bad rap, with large corporations using...
National Coverage
FeaturesCautionary tale on switching cargo
Agents new to the transportation insurance field must be careful of... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Commercial Umbrella
It seems that every risk today has a big exposure, regardless of size... -
FeaturesLloyd’s disconnects troubled Kinnect technology
Ultimately "all the King's horses and all the King's men" couldn't... -
FeaturesGovernment estimates its cost under terrorism insurance extension
The Congressional Budget Office is projecting a government cost of... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Motor Carrier Cargo
Producers advised to work closely with a wholesaler or carrier that... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Motor Carrier Cargo
Although the Carmack Amendment provides that the cargo owner's sole... -
FeaturesSpotlight: Farm & Ranch
Harvesting value: revaluation revolution comes to farm lines Bringing... -
Features2005 delivers mixed bag for property/casualty brokers
Stock Prices: In terms of stock prices for property and casualty... -
FeaturesOrganized crime targets cargo containers
The Federal Bureau of Investigation conservatively estimates that... -
FeaturesD&O excess limits up but premiums down
Directors and officers liability insurance capacity leveled off at... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Risk models show industry burden under TRIA The extension of the... -
FeaturesCompensation overall
Last year was not a big year for raises in independent insurance... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Viruses and worms cost the most, accounting for $12 million of the... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Commercial Umbrella
Insolvencies have left numerous corporations with uncollectible... -
Features2005 Agency Salary Survey
... -
FeaturesTreasury clarifies liability under terrorism reinsurance
Insurers writing monoline farm policies and incidental professional... -
Minding Your BusinessMinding Your Business
Agency value and price-what sellers can expect to put in their pocket...