May 8, 2006
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Product Liability Stretches Across the World
In this Issue
Closing QuoteDanger: Paper can cause skin lacerations
We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Getting on the green wagon
Green seems to be shaping up as the symbolic and operable color of... -
FeaturesGetting out fast? Make sure vital documents are safe
No social security card? No job. No pictures or videos of household... -
FeaturesAfter the storms, 2006 a ‘critical’ year for Louisiana
The number of bills filed by members of the Louisiana Legislature for... -
FeaturesREADY, SET … RECALL!!!
Protecting the consumer is the number one priority in a product... -
FeaturesTexas lawmakers close in on tax reform
News Currents Adhering to the Texas Tax Reform Commission's... -
FeaturesWhy agents oppose Sen. Sununu’s optional federal charter
The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, and New... -
TOC10 Texas lawmakers close in on tax reform
Although it's not perfect, agent groups support Perry-Sharp plan... -
Frank Vaccaro was named vice president of Information Services for... -
New MarketsNew Markets
HO-3 Homeowners in Texas Nuts & Bolts: The Republic Group, based in... -
FeaturesThe Texas Windstorm Insurance Association: Challenges and solutions
The 2006 hurricane season is looming and the insurance industry... -
Minding Your BusinessAccounts ‘not’ for sale: Defining account ownership
The value of most businesses is predicated upon that business'... -
CurrentsSurvey: Risk managers spent more on disaster preparedness, catastrophe management
Spending for loss control services increased or remained flat for a... -
U.S. property/casualty insurers are expected to pay an estimated... -
CurrentsActuaries to White House: Federal insurance backstop needed
The American Academy of Actuaries, in response to questions posed by... -
FeaturesChecking-in on hospitality coverage
As an agent or broker serving the hospitality market, you've enjoyed... -
FeaturesTaxi and limousine market catches a good fare with sound underwriting
Anyone who has been in a large city knows the importance of taxi and... -
FeaturesInternational product exposures can hit business here, there and everywhere
It takes only a brief glance through a newspaper in the United States... -
CurrentsSound risk management, investment plus for insurers
U.S. property/casualty insurers managed to increase earnings and add... -
FeaturesUnderwriting requirements
In order to provide an insuring company with an underwriting profit,... -
FeaturesHotel housekeeper work getting more dangerous with more injuries, pain reported by workers
A new study, "Creating Luxury, Enduring Pain," couples new research... -
FeaturesCommercial lines insurers’ capital, M&A activity silent in first quarter
Stock Prices: Shares of commercial lines insurers were down 2 percent... -
CurrentsFormer Enron executive admits guilt, says complacency equally bad as committing fraud
The same week Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay told jurors that he did... -
Editor's NoteGetting on the green wagon
"It's not easy being green." -- Kermit the Frog Maybe it's because of... -
FeaturesReady, Set … Recall!!!
Protecting the consumer is the number one priority in a product... -
Factors affecting a company's vulnerability to accidental or... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Frank Vaccaro was named vice president of Information Services for... -
No social security card? No job. No pictures or videos of household... -
FeaturesWhy agents oppose Sen. Sununu’s optional federal charter
The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, and New... -
CurrentsTexas lawmakers close in on tax reform
Adhering to the Texas Tax Reform Commission's recommendations, five... -
New MarketsNew Markets
HO-3 Homeowners in TexasTITLE: Nuts & Bolts: The Republic Group,... -
FeaturesAfter the storms, 2006 a ‘critical’ year for Louisiana
The number of bills filed by members of the Louisiana Legislature for... -
FeaturesDanger: Paper can cause skin lacerations
We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy... -
CurrentsThe Texas Windstorm Insurance Association: Challenges and solutions
The 2006 hurricane season is looming and the insurance industry...