May 22, 2006
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
2006 Program Directory, Vol. I
In this Issue
FeaturesTechnology can help agents boost sales and more
Given the pace of today's technological developments, it is often... -
Closing QuoteInsurance programs meet computer programs
Like so many other areas of life, the Internet changed the exposures... -
Legal BeatCoverage issues at core of Hurricane Katrina-related litigation
The initial decisions from Hurricane Katrina lawsuits provide some... -
FeaturesPost Spitzer, merger activity picking up, says Mystic Capital
Last year wasn't the busiest year for mergers and acquisitions in the... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Architects and Engineers Nuts & Bolts: NAS Insurance Services Inc.... -
FeaturesProducts liability = risk identification = Insurance 101
Basic insurance coverage salespersons don't fully understand their... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Louisiana Former cop sentenced A former Marksville, La., police... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Model of New Orleans levee points to layer of clay Preliminary... -
FeaturesFeeding the farmowners business
If you've been writing agricultural and farm insurance for years and... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Pierson & Fendley, CAA Combined Agents of America LLC, Austin,... -
People & PlacesPeople
Texas Mutual Insurance Company appointed Larry Wagner as its new vice... -
FeaturesThe appeal of new alternatives for agribusiness
Alternative and agro-tourism enterprises are allowing farmers and... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Hurricanes spawn E&O troubles for insurance producers With regard to... -
FeaturesStudy: Tort reforms reduce med-mal premiums
Tort reforms are the best proven instrument for reducing medical... -
FeaturesSurvey reveals ‘top 10 pet peeves of the road’
With more than 30 million Americans expected to hit the road this... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Tax reform, no catastrophe relief
The Texas Legislature concluded its recent special session by passing... -
CurrentsSenate Republicans fail again in efforts to cap medical malpractice awards
Senate Republican leaders have again failed in their efforts to place... -
CurrentsFour out of 10 medical malpractice cases are groundless; majority dismissed without payout
About 40 percent of the medical malpractice cases filed in the United... -
FeaturesGetting tough in a soft market
We waited many years for a hard insurance market to get here, and it... -
CurrentsInsurers should not underestimate next influenza pandemic’s severity, risk experts say
Risk experts are warning insurance companies that they may be... -
CurrentsDespite catastrophe losses, soft pricing continues in commercial insurance market, buyers report
Although property and general liability insurance rates increased in... -
FeaturesHarnessing technology in the London insurance market
Kinnect is dead! Long live Kinnect! Although Lloyd's long troubled IT... -
The U.K.'s House of Lords handed down judgments on May 3 in three... -
The American Association of Managing General Agents announced that it... -
Bermuda-based property reinsurer PXRE Group Ltd. announced that its... -
FeaturesSullivanCurtisMonroe CEO says growth, profit and fun equal success
Best Practices is a new Insurance Journal column that profiles how... -
FeaturesDistinguish your agency with commercial client training
Most small to medium-sized commercial insureds are educated only in... -
CurrentsU.S. insurers withstood record catastrophe losses in 2005
Strong capitalization, sound risk management and efficient global... -
FeaturesAvian Flu and the Property/Casualty Industry
Thanks to numerous avian flu articles, books, and even a television... -
FeaturesIntroducing the world’s first certified Best Practice Program Administrator
What managing general agent or program administrator hasn't wondered... -
CurrentsHighlights of the TMPAA Best Practice Administrator Process:
There are 6 steps: 1 -- Application/Survey 2 --... -
CurrentsAuto insurance costs hold steady; industry cites safety, less accidents as the cause
The cost of auto insurance is expected to rise by just 0.5 percent in... -
Editor's NoteTax reform, no catastrophe relief
The Texas Legislature concluded its recent special session by passing... -
With more than 30 million Americans expected to hit the road this... -
FeaturesThe appeal of new alternatives for agribusiness
Alternative and agro-tourism enterprises are allowing farmers and... -
Legal BeatCoverage issues at core of Hurricane Katrina-related litigation
The amount of property damage caused by Hurricane Katrina in... -
FeaturesTechnology can help agents boost sales and more
Given the pace of today's technological developments, it is often... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Texas Mutual Insurance Company appointed Larry Wagner as its new vice... -
CurrentsStudy: Tort reforms reduce med-mal premiums
Tort reforms are the best proven instrument for reducing medical... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Louisiana Former cop sentenced A former Marksville, La., police... -
CurrentsHurricanes spawn E&O troubles for insurance producers
With regard to potential errors and omissions claims against... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Architects and Engineers Nuts & Bolts: NAS Insurance Services Inc.... -
FeaturesInsurance programs meet computer programs
Like so many other areas of life, the Internet changed the exposures... -
CurrentsPost Spitzer, merger activity picking up, says Mystic Capital
Last year wasn't the busiest year for mergers and acquisitions in the... -
CurrentsAuto theft declines for second straight year
Western states have the most cars stolen Des Plaines, Ill.-based... -
FeaturesProducts liability = risk identification = Insurance 101
Basic insurance coverage salespersons don't fully understand their... -
CurrentsModel of New Orleans levee points to layer of clay
Preliminary findings from a simulation project suggest that during... -
FeaturesUnderstanding buyers is key to writing farmowners policies
If you've been writing agricultural and farm insurance for years and...
National Coverage
FeaturesInsurers should not underestimate next influenza pandemic’s severity, risk experts say
Risk experts are warning insurance companies that they may be... -
FeaturesGetting tough in a soft market
We waited many years for a hard insurance market to get here, and it... -
News CurrentsU.S. insurers withstood record catastrophe losses in 2005
Strong capitalization, sound risk management and efficient global... -
FeaturesAvian Flu and the Property Casualty Industry
Insurance buyers are taking a close look at their insurance and risk... -
FeaturesFour out of 10 medical malpractice cases are groundless; majority dismissed without payout
About 40 percent of the medical malpractice cases filed in the United... -
FeaturesSenate Republicans fail again in efforts to cap medical malpractice awards
News Currents Senate Republican leaders have again failed in their... -
FeaturesSullivanCurtisMonroe CEO says growth, profit and fun equal success
Best Practices is a new Insurance Journal column that profiles how... -
FeaturesAuto insurance costs hold steady; industry cites safety, less accidents as the cause
News Currents The cost of auto insurance is expected to rise by just... -
FeaturesHarnessing technology in the London insurance market
Kinnect is dead! Long live Kinnect! Although Lloyd's long troubled IT... -
FeaturesIntroducing the world’s first certified Best Practice Program Administrator
What managing general agent or program administrator hasn't wondered... -
News BriefsLondon Insurance Market
House of Lords asbestos decision limits damage liability The U.K.'s... -
FeaturesDespite catastrophe losses, soft pricing continues in commercial insurance market, buyers report
Although property and general liability insurance rates increased in... -
FeaturesDistinguish your agency with commercial client training
Most small to medium-sized commercial insureds are educated only in...