July 24, 2006
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
2006 Excess, Surplus and Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. I
In this Issue
FeaturesIIAT honors Fitzhugh for 60 years of state conference attendance
Third-generation and longtime Waco independent insurance agent Champe... -
FeaturesCoastal communities only halfway ready for a major storm
Average insured homeowners throughout Gulf and Atlantic coastal... -
FeaturesDonelon orders insurers to extend hurricane claims period in Louisiana
Just over a month after asking insurers in his state to voluntarily... -
Privately owned insurance and risk management firm McQueary Henry... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
The virtual, global economy humbles insurance leaders Insurance... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Wind stays in 'wind vs. water case,' judge says A Mississippi judge... -
Features‘Adequate rate for the risk’ a big concern for industry executives
The question of how to structure property insurance rates adequately... -
FeaturesNews Currents
Suspicious fires Two suspects were arrested in relation to at least... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Workers' Compensation - Middle Market Nuts & Bolts: Workers'... -
FeaturesGoing after unpaid claims
Louisiana Recovery Authority is considering going after insurance... -
FeaturesPay less attention to delinquent accounts, call your good customers
Agents can make a difference in the perception of the insurance... -
FeaturesSafeco CEO: ‘We will sell to consumers in the way they want to buy’
Explaining Seattle-based Safe-co's recent announcement that it would... -
FeaturesHigher windstorm rates
Although many in the insurance industry don't think they are going up... -
FeaturesDespite understanding risk, drivers gab on wireless phones
Despite knowing that driving and talking on a cell phone at the same... -
FeaturesFraud on the farm
Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Risk Management Agency... -
No worries until 2008 "I didn't think there was a chance in the world... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Republic Group, FirstComp Underwriters Dallas-based Republic... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Watching out what you wish for
I don't know about you but it's only the middle of July (as this... -
FeaturesMaximizing your agency’s ROI – Return on internet
Is your insurance agency investing in Web initiatives? If so, you are... -
FeaturesRiding out soft and hard market cycles with quality relationships
Having quality relationships with clients takes commitment and... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Witt pointed out that as he looks across Florida, the Gulf coast... -
FeaturesBid deadline for verification system looms
The Texas Department of Insurance revised the bid deadline for... -
Closing QuoteWhy surplus lines reform makes sense in 2006
The AAMGA is an international trade association comprised of 503... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
The excess flood market steps up where NFIP drops off Increased... -
FeaturesProtecting residential construction risks with OCIPs
Residential construction throughout the country surged to an all-time... -
FeaturesVesta subsidiaries to be liquidated
On July 18 the Texas Department of Insurance announced that Vesta... -
FeaturesOptional federal charter is needed
Editor's note: The following excerpt is edited from an oral statement... -
FeaturesStates may scrap full collateral requirements for ‘alien’ reinsurers
The change may make it easier, more attractive for non-U.S. based... -
FeaturesKeeping afloat with flood insurance resources
FloodSmart.gov provides easy way for agents to stay up-to-date on... -
FeaturesStrong earnings keep insurers’ stock prices stable; M&A activity remains flat
Stock Prices: Insurers' stock prices remained relatively stable... -
FeaturesGetting your commercial producers to prospect
Some producers never seek out fresh prospects. Instead, their... -
FeaturesInsurance and the World Trade Organization negotiations
The Doha Round at the World Trade Organization has been a serious... -
CurrentsAgency compensation reflects organic growth, profitability and retention
With fewer large books of business changing hands recently, insurance... -
CurrentsStock option timing scandal to be felt in D&O insurance
If investors think they're safe from the scandal involving the... -
CurrentsBig ‘I’ exec tells agents federal charter is a ‘recipe for disaster’
If a mandatory or even an optional Federal Charter is implemented in... -
Swiss Re, the world's biggest reinsurer since it completed the... -
A New Jersey jury found in favor of Merck & Co. Inc. earlier this... -
CurrentsU.S. property/casualty industry posts record 1Q profits
The U.S. property/casualty industry's net gain on underwriting rose... -
FeaturesPreemptive plans crucial to protect art and collectibles
With the start of hurricane season, AXA Art Insurance issued a... -
FeaturesLost … but then found somewhere in Florida
In a May 2006 news release, AXA Art Insurance announced it was... -
Editor's NoteWatching out what you wish for
I don't know about you but it's only the middle of July (as this... -
FeaturesPay less attention to delinquent accounts, call your good customers
Agents can make a difference in the perception of the insurance... -
FEMA recently issued new flood maps that require people in many parts... -
FeaturesThe excess flood market steps up where NFIP drops off
The historical lessons learned from Katrina and Rita and looming... -
FeaturesRiding out soft and hard market cycles with quality relationships
Analyzing the economic rhymes and reasons of soft and hard market... -
FeaturesIIAT honors Fitzhugh for 60 years of state conference attendance
Third generation Waco agent going strong at 89 Third-generation and... -
CurrentsA separate survey
A separate survey released in May by the National Hurricane Survival... -
CurrentsFormer FEMA director promotes state, federal disaster mediation
Federal and state governments need to work with insurance companies... -
CurrentsVesta subsidiaries to be liquidated
On July 18 the Texas Department of Insurance announced that Vesta... -
FeaturesMaximizing your agency’s ROI — Return on internet
Is your insurance agency investing in Web initiatives? If so, you are... -
Although many in the insurance industry don't think they are going up... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Privately owned insurance and risk management firm McQueary Henry... -
FeaturesCoastal communities only halfway ready for a major storm
Survey finds Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia most... -
CurrentsGoing after unpaid claims
Louisiana Recovery Authority is considering going after insurance... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Workers' Compensation - Middle Market Nuts & Bolts: Workers'... -
FeaturesOptional federal charter is needed
Editor's note: The following excerpt is edited from an oral statement... -
Currents‘Adequate rate for the risk’ a big concern for industry executives
The question of how to structure property insurance rates adequately... -
FeaturesFraud on the farm
Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Risk Management Agency... -
CurrentsBid deadline for verification system looms
The Texas Department of Insurance revised the bid deadline for... -
FeaturesDespite understanding risk, drivers gab on wireless phones
Despite knowing that driving and talking on a cell phone at the same... -
CurrentsSafeco CEO: ‘We will sell to consumers in the way they want to buy’
Explaining Seattle-based Safe-co's recent announcement that it would... -
CurrentsWind stays in ‘wind vs. water’ case, judge says
A Mississippi judge refused to throw out an engineer's testimony that... -
CurrentsThe virtual, global economy humbles insurance leaders
Insurance professionals have a lot to worry about as the fast-paced... -
CurrentsDonelon orders insurers to extend hurricane claims period in Louisiana
Just over a month after asking insurers in his state to voluntarily... -
FeaturesProtecting residential construction risks with OCIPs
Residential construction throughout the country surged to an all-time... -
FeaturesWhy surplus lines reform makes sense in 2006
The AAMGA is an international trade association comprised of 503...
National Coverage
FeaturesKeeping afloat with flood insurance resources
For more than 35 years, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)... -
FeaturesLost … but then found somewhere in Florida
In a May 2006 news release, AXA Art Insurance announced it was... -
FeaturesAgency compensation reflects organic growth, profitability and retention
With fewer large books of business changing hands recently, insurance... -
FeaturesSwiss Re announces first GE layoffs
Swiss Re, the world's biggest reinsurer since it completed the... -
FeaturesMerck Wins New Jersey Vioxx Case
A New Jersey jury found in favor of Merck & Co. Inc. earlier this... -
FeaturesKATRINA threatened to paint a dark picture for fine art insurer
Christiane Fischer, CEO of AXA Art Insurance, was in Chicago when... -
FeaturesBig ‘I’ exec tells agents federal charter is a ‘recipe for disaster’
If a mandatory or even an optional Federal Charter is implemented in... -
FeaturesInsurance and the World Trade Organization negotiations
The Doha Round at the World Trade Organization has been a serious... -
FeaturesStock option timing scandal to be felt in D&O insurance
Already, insurers are asking businesses questions about whether they... -
FeaturesStates may scrap full collateral requirements for ‘alien’ reinsurers
In an abrupt departure from procedures that have been in place since... -
Carrier WatchStrong earnings keep insurers’ stock prices stable; M&A activity remains flat
Stock Prices: Insurers' stock prices remained relatively stable... -
FeaturesU.S. property/casualty industry posts record 1Q profits
News Currents The U.S. property/casualty industry's net gain on... -
FeaturesPreemptive plans crucial to protect art and collectibles
With the start of hurricane season, AXA Art Insurance issued a... -
FeaturesGetting your commercial producers to prospect
Some producers never seek out fresh prospects. Instead, their...