In this Issue
FeaturesTransportation activities accounted for most on-job fatalities in 2005
Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma all experienced higher rates of... -
It FiguresFigures
95 The percent of homeowners insurance claims that have been settled... -
FeaturesAn assault on compensation agreements
Both the Independent Insur-ance Agents of Oklahoma and the... -
Closing QuoteMichigan Supreme Court shows judicial restraint with asbestos decision
Courts and legislatures around the country are taking a serious look... -
FeaturesNews Currents
Number of Okla. teen smokers drops Nearly one-third fewer Oklahoma... -
People RISC, based in Dallas, promoted Beth Winstead to senior vice... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
IIAT Independent insurance agency principals, key personnel and... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
No 'pixie dust' for reform, Texas work comp chief says With that... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Insurance Agents E&O Nuts & Bolts: London American Professional... -
FeaturesUnderstanding real estate-related risks
Throughout many states in the U.S., there has been an incredible... -
FeaturesJames J. Donelon, Louisiana, Commissioner of Insurance
With his state still in recovery mode after last year's Hurricanes... -
FeaturesTexas A&M finds disaster preparedness lacking
Five years after 9/11 and one year after Hurricane Katrina, most... -
Inadequate words — The Louisiana Supreme Court, ruling that the... -
FeaturesBoth employers and employees benefit from investment in learning
Insurance is one of the fastest changing, most regulated industries... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: A long way to go
While significant problems persist-severe damage to public... -
Legal BeatHurricanes Katrina and Rita spawn legislation, bulletins in Miss. and La.
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita exposed many misconceptions and... -
CurrentsAn assault on compensation agreements
Both the Independent Insur-ance Agents of Oklahoma and the... -
CurrentsA year later: La. updates Hurricane Katrina claims figures
On Aug. 28, 2006, the Louisiana Department of Insurance issued an... -
CurrentsIt Figures
95 The percent of homeowners insurance claims that have been settled... -
CurrentsNumber of Okla. teen smokers drops
Nearly one-third fewer Oklahoma teenagers smoked cigarettes last year... -
CurrentsTransportation activities accounted for most on-job fatalities in 2005
Workplace deaths rise in Texas and Ark.; Okla. reports lower private... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
RISC, based in Dallas, promoted Beth Winstead to senior vice... -
The Arkansas Workers' Compensation Commission recently updated... -
CurrentsNo ‘pixie dust’ for reform, Texas work comp chief says
The system is not fixed yet. With that statement Texas Commissioner... -
The Texas Department of Insurance recently approved the expansion of... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Insurance Agents E&O Nuts & Bolts: London American Profes-sional... -
FeaturesThe Commissioners
From hurricanes to health insurance, Louisiana focused on recovery... -
FeaturesUnderstanding real estate-related risks
Throughout many states in the U.S., there has been an incredible... -
Legal BeatHurricanes Katrina and Rita spawn legislation, bulletins in Miss. and La.
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita exposed many misconceptions and... -
CurrentsBoth employers and employees benefit from investment in learning
Insurance is one of the fastest changing, most regulated industries... -
CurrentsTexas A&M finds disaster preparedness lacking
Five years after 9/11 and one year after Hurricane Katrina, most... -
CurrentsMichigan Supreme Court shows judicial restraint with asbestos decision
Courts and legislatures around the country are taking a serious look... -
FeaturesTaking care of business
NAPSLO's Wesson says association focused on regulation, education and... -
FeaturesSurplus lines designation curriculum updated; good fit for retailers as well
After 10 years on the circuit, the surplus lines industry's first... -
FeaturesKnow thyself; insure thyself
E&O: an essential protection in the modern insurance agency practice... -
FeaturesPutting the brakes on paratransit operator losses
Loading, unloading wheelchair clients poses the biggest exposure to... -
Automakers will be required to tell owners if their vehicle has an... -
CurrentsStudy hits states without helmet laws
According to a study by Jeffrey Coben, M.D., a researcher at West... -
CurrentsU.S. traffic deaths on the rise
Traffic deaths in the United States reached their highest levels... -
FeaturesUnderstanding the surety process
The surety underwriting process is often looked upon with disdain by... -
FeaturesCompetition hits Surplus Lines Market
As the surplus lines world turns to another year of soft market... -
CurrentsGuy Carpenter report examines impact and risks of nanotechnology
Guy Carpenter & Company, the risk and reinsurance specialist of Marsh... -
CurrentsPremiums remain flat in second quarter except in hurricane-exposed regions, risk managers report
According to the Risk and Insurance Management Society Inc.'s... -
In its recently issued global insurance report A.M. Best Co.... -
FeaturesXL E&S enters the specialty market
XL E&S President John DiBiasi is the type of insurance professional... -
CurrentsFirst post-Katrina court decision a victory for insurers
On Aug. 15, 2006, a decision was handed down in the first... -
CurrentsCultivating a management mentality
A common misconception among agency owners who began their careers in... -
CurrentsStudy urges better efforts to prevent teen worker injuries
A new survey of 6,810 teens showed that more than half of them work,... -
CurrentsDeal makers and deal breakers
What is it that makes some deals fly and others fail? Every deal... -
CurrentsNew study finds coastal population drain following hurricanes
A study conducted by the Earth Policy Institute concludes that a... -
Editor's NoteA long way to go
In many respects, Louisiana and Mississippi have made great strides...
National Coverage
FeaturesSurplus lines designation curriculum updated; good fit for retailers as well
After 10 years on the circuit, the surplus lines industry's first... -
FeaturesRates are softening
As the surplus lines world turns to another year of soft market... -
FeaturesCultivating a management mentality
A common misconception among agency owners who began their careers in... -
FeaturesKnow thyself; insure thyself
As we know, errors and omissions insurance is intended to cover... -
FeaturesU.S. traffic deaths on the rise
Traffic deaths in the United States reached their highest levels... -
FeaturesPutting the brakes on paratransit operator losses
Today, paratransit operators are having difficulty with their... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Study hits states without helmet laws According to a study by Jeffrey... -
FeaturesEducation and Training Directory
We are pleased to introduce Insurance Journal's first-ever Education... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Study urges better efforts to prevent teen worker injuries A new... -
FeaturesBy Michael Foster
Understanding the surety process The surety underwriting process is... -
FeaturesBlack boxes in autos must be disclosed
Automakers will be required to tell owners if their vehicle has an... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
There are "35 million people living along the hurricane-prone coast... -
FeaturesReinsurers ‘humbled, but most not broken’
In its recently issued global insurance report A.M. Best Co.... -
FeaturesFirst post-Katrina court decision a victory for insurers
On Aug. 15, 2006, a decision was handed down in the first... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Premiums remain flat in second quarter except in hurricane-exposed... -
FeaturesGuy Carpenter report examines impact and risks of nanotechnology
Guy Carpenter & Company, the risk and reinsurance specialist of Marsh... -
Minding Your BusinessDeals makers and deal breakers
What is it that makes some deals fly and others fail? Every deal...