October 23, 2006
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Hospitality Risks: Why hotels and restaurants should welcome coverage
In this Issue
Toe to toe with the gecko "GEICO is an incredible opponent for local... -
FeaturesN.C. entrepreneur married to divorce insurance
If North Carolina's John Logan has his way, sometime in the very near... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Fire safety begins at home
Home fires continue to be the number one cause of fire deaths. Home... -
FeaturesHonesty is the best insurance policy
I have introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate to make future... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Corporate Identity Theft Nuts & Bolts: National Union Fire Insurance... -
FeaturesStates have common, and unique, concerns with homeowners coverage
The homeowners markets in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas,... -
FeaturesSticking up for the little guys
Somewhat akin to Rodney Dangerfield, smaller agents don't seem to get... -
It FiguresFigures
1,696 Insurance companies are the litigation champions, confronting... -
FeaturesFormer insurance company execs get 6 years
A federal judge sentenced two men to six years in prison for their... -
People Pat Arthur, a partner in the Dallas insurance and risk... -
Legal BeatFiess: Texas Supreme Court speaks
Despite the mandate of new mold endorsements and adoption of new... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
National Lloyds, American Summit to be acquired by ARC A.M. Best... -
FeaturesRecovery after a disaster involves more than data and office space
One lesson Bill Boyd learned in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is... -
FeaturesDisaster planning helped New Orleans agencies get back up and running
You could almost feel it, the bond that had formed as we worked to... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Okla. AG, Ark. governor spar over chicken waste Arkansas Gov. Mike... -
Editor's NoteFire safety begins at home
The good news--relatively speaking--is that the number of deaths... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Pat Arthur, a partner in the Dallas insurance and risk management... -
CurrentsNational Lloyds, American Summit to be acquired by ARC
A.M. Best expects ratings to remain stable Affordable Residential... -
CurrentsN.C. entrepreneur married to divorce insurance
If North Carolina's John Logan has his way, sometime in the very near... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Corporate Identity Theft Nuts & Bolts: National Union Fire Insurance... -
FeaturesSticking up for the little guys
Somewhat akin to Rodney Dangerfield, smaller agents don't seem to get... -
CurrentsHonesty is the best insurance policy
I have introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate to make future... -
Legal BeatFiess: Texas Supreme Court speaks
Despite the mandate of new mold endorsements and adoption of new... -
CurrentsDisaster planning helped New Orleans agencies get back up and running
You could almost feel it, the bond that had formed as we worked to... -
CurrentsRecovery after a disaster involves more than data and office space
One lesson Bill Boyd learned in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is... -
CurrentsWhy agents oppose contingent commission settlements
Imagine for a moment a state legislator introducing a bill that made... -
CurrentsIt Figures
1,696 Insurance companies are the litigation champions, confronting... -
CurrentsOkla. AG, Ark. governor spar over chicken waste
Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Oklahoma Attorney General Drew... -
Toe to toe with the gecko "GEICO is an incredible opponent for local... -
CurrentsFormer insurance company execs get 6 years
A federal judge sentenced two men to six years in prison for their... -
Cover StoryHospitality Risks: Why hotels and restaurants should welcome coverage for disability compliance
In Pennsylvania, a disabled customer complained of emotional distress... -
FeaturesEmployee benefits offer an easy way to expand business with clients
It's a problem many brokers face: clients love our property casualty... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyMarket your business skills to clients and prospects
Insurance agents are a very talented bunch. Over the years, many have... -
CurrentsHRH, Hub stock prices soar; B&B grows wholesale premium to $1 billion
Stock Price Activity: Brokerage stocks have varied through the first... -
CurrentsBanks’ insurance revenues, insurance brokerage fees up
The nation's bank holding companies increased their total insurance... -
CurrentsSupreme Court agrees to hear insurance credit scoring cases
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear one hour of oral arguments... -
CurrentsHurricane risk reduces prospective profit of homeowners insurance
Increases in homeowners insurance rates have not been sufficient thus... -
CurrentsInsurance charity foundation opens in N.Y.; plans national expansion
A California organization seeking to be a collective voice for... -
CurrentsP/C insurers’ profitability drops in first-half of 2006
Increased competition will eventually undermine results, says... -
FeaturesPoor stepchild HO market about to smarten up
Exclusive interview with personal lines guru Brian Sullivan It's... -
FeaturesPricing plays catch-up with evolving homeowners market
Many single-family homes today look more and more like grand estates...
National Coverage
FeaturesTop 10 Bank Holding Companies in Total Insurance Income
Rank Rank 1st half End of Total Insurance 2006 2005 Income... -
FeaturesPoor stepchild HO market about to smarten up
It's worth $53 billion a year but the homeowners insurance market is... -
In Pennsylvania, a disabled customer complained of emotional distress... -
FeaturesHurricane risk reduces prospective profit of homeowners insurance
Increases in homeowners insurance rates have not been sufficient thus... -
FeaturesBrian Sullivan
Closer Look: Homeowners Poor stepchild HO market about to smarten up... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Banks' insurance revenues, insurance brokerage fees up The nation's... -
FeaturesPricing plays catch-up with evolving homeowners market
Many single-family homes today look more and more like grand estates... -
FeaturesThird Party Discrimination & Harassment Coverage Comparison
Directors & Officers with Employment Practices Liability and a Third... -
FeaturesSupreme Court agrees to hear insurance credit scoring cases
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear one hour of oral arguments... -
FeaturesInsurance charity foundation opens in N.Y.; plans national expansion
A California organization seeking to be a collective voice for... -
FeaturesP/C insurers’ profitability drops in first-half of 2006
The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry's net income after... -
FeaturesHRH, Hub stock prices soar; B&B grows wholesale premium to $1 billion
Stock Price Activity: Brokerage stocks have varied through the first... -
FeaturesEmployee benefits offer an easy way to expand business with clients
It's a problem many brokers face: clients love our property casualty... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyMarket your business skills to clients and prospects
Insurance agents are a very talented bunch. Over the years, many have...