May 21, 2007
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Program Directory, Vol. I; Single State Specialists
In this Issue
New MarketsMy New Markets
Allied Medical Organizations PL/GL Nuts & Bolts: Travis-Pedersen... -
FeaturesOkla. doctor: Lawmakers against tort reform can go to Texas for care
An Oklahoma surgeon said he will not treat legislators who voted... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Protecting small businesses
Are your customers' small businesses fully covered with all the... -
FeaturesAre you truly independent?
Given today's business environment, is it possible for independent... -
FeaturesFortified building standards: Gulf Coast market
Concrete houses sprouting up in southern Alabama, Mississippi and... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Law enforcement to be first users of Texas' financial responsibility... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Dallas National challenges ratings downgrade A.M. Best Co. recently... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
State Farm to reopen 350 hurricane claims in Louisiana Holly Beach,... -
It FiguresFigures
37 The number of new homeowners insurance companies entering Texas... -
Legal BeatClaims against insurance agents and brokers: Timing is everything
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, many insurance... -
People & PlacesPeople
McQueary Henry Bowles Troy named Senior Vice President Brad Van... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Hilb Rogal & Hobbs, Global Special Risks Hilb Rogal & Hobbs Co. (HRH)... -
Declarations Rates going down "Consumers are clearly benefiting from... -
CurrentsMarketing survey reports Baby Boomers remain loyal to auto, home, medical and life insurance brand
Baby Boomers may be more likely to switch brands across a wide... -
FeaturesSwett & Crawford CEO says softening market doesn’t leave out E&S market as an option
Whether the market is "soft" or "softening" doesn't make a... -
Cover StoryThe Courage to Compete: The World According to Greenberg
In 1968 when the Maurice "Hank" Greenberg took over what was to... -
Editor's NoteProtecting small businesses
Are your customers' small businesses fully covered with all the... -
CurrentsOkla. doctor: Lawmakers against tort reform can go to Texas for care
An Oklahoma surgeon said he will not treat legislators who voted... -
CurrentsState Farm to reopen 350 hurricane claims in Louisiana
State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. has agreed to reopen and possibly... -
Rates going down "Consumers are clearly benefiting from what has... -
It FiguresIt Figures
37 The number of new homeowners insurance companies entering Texas... -
Is personal information of insureds protected? Yes, data from... -
CurrentsLaw enforcement to be first users of Texas’ financial responsibility system
Event based process to be implemented first, ongoing verification to... -
CurrentsDallas National challenges ratings downgrade
A.M. Best Co. recently downgraded the financial strength rating of... -
Idea ExchangeAre you truly independent?
Given today's business environment, is it possible for independent... -
Legal BeatClaims against insurance agents and brokers: Timing is everything
Flood policies at heart of many cases against Gulf Coast producers In... -
Idea ExchangeFortified building standards: Gulf Coast market
Concrete houses sprouting up in southern Alabama, Mississippi and... -
Closing QuoteWhere have all the underwriters gone?
The commercial insurance industry is not what it was 20 years ago.... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
McQueary Henry Bowles Troy named Senior Vice President Brad Van... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Allied Medical Organizations PL/GL Nuts & Bolts: Travis-Pedersen... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyReduce client services to better compete
Customer loyalty, in insurance and elsewhere, is an oxymoron. Buyers... -
FeaturesA closer look at risk management for habitational risks
Effective management and maintenance tips to help clients avoid major... -
FeaturesStatus quo on Capitol Hill may be best
IIABA's leader Bob Rusbuldt hopes Congress does nothing, except on... -
Fraud RoundupThe rest of the story: directors and officers coverage for independents
Brokers can help clients greatly mitigate the personal, unlimited... -
CurrentsAgent leader renews vow to defend incentive pay
The leader of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America... -
Currents‘Big 3’ brokers still feeling effects of Spitzer attack, Standard & Poor’s says
The October 2004 attack by then New York Attorney General, now... -
CurrentsWillis rejects insurers’ alternatives for contingent commissions
After a review of the supplemental compensation plans recently... -
FeaturesProperty/Casualty State Specialists
The late Speaker of the House of Representatives "Tip" O'Neill once... -
CurrentsBritish auto insurer survey targets women’s
A survey from the United Kingdom's Diamond, an automobile insurer... -
CurrentsD&O, workers’ comp lead downhill pricing parade, according to risk managers’ survey
Directors and officers insurance continues to be a highly competitive... -
CurrentsRisk managers report total cost of risk continues downward trend
The commercial insurance industry continued to experience an overall... -
CurrentsLloyd’s and Economist Intelligence Unit report warns of threats from political violence
Global business leaders report they are increasingly concerned about...
National Coverage
FeaturesThe rest of the story: directors and officers coverage for independents
The historic out-of-pocket payments made in recent years by... -
FeaturesD&O, workers’ comp lead downhill pricing parade, according to risk managers’ survey
Directors and officers insurance continues to be a highly competitive... -
Features‘Big 3’ brokers still feeling effects of Spitzer attack, Standard & Poor’s says
The October 2004 attack by then New York Attorney General, now... -
FeaturesSwett & Crawford CEO says softening market doesn’t leave out E&S market as an option
Whether the market is "soft" or "softening" doesn't make a... -
FeaturesBritish auto insurer survey targets women’s view of male drivers’ irritating habits
A survey from the United Kingdom's Diamond, an automobile insurer... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Willis rejects insurers' alternatives for contingent commissions... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Lloyd's and Economist Intelligence Unit report warns of threats from... -
FeaturesAgent leader renews vow to defend incentive pay
The leader of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Risk managers report total cost of risk continues downward trend The... -
FeaturesMarketing survey reports Baby Boomers remain loyal to auto, home, medical and life insurance brand
Baby Boomers may be more likely to switch brands across a wide... -
FeaturesThe Courage to Compete
In 1968 when the Maurice "Hank" Greenberg took over what was to... -
Features2007 Property/Casualty State Specialist Insurers
1 Brickstreet Mutual Insurance Co. WV 765,963 2 Texas Mutual... -
FeaturesA closer look at risk management for habitational risks
Habitational properties — apartments, condominiums, hotels,... -
FeaturesProperty/Casualty State Specialists Insurers
The late Speaker of the House of Representatives "Tip" O'Neill once... -
FeaturesStatus quo on Capitol Hill may be best
Washington, D.C., is a bit bluer these days than it was about a year... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyReduce client services to better compete
Customer loyalty, in insurance and elsewhere, is an oxymoron. Buyers...