September 24, 2007
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Salute to Surplus Lines Brokers/NAPSLO; Personal Lines Markets; Product Liability
In this Issue
News CurrentsNews Currents
The company said the policy's anti-concurrent causation provision... -
It FiguresFigures
3 Former Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher recently... -
FeaturesLa. Supreme Court: Lack of hospital evacuation plan not malpractice
The case concerned a "civil action against a private hospital for... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Private Schools (K-12) Nuts & Bolts: Markel Insurance Co. is an... -
Correction: An article in the Sept. 3, 2007, issue of Insurance... -
Legal BeatA policyholder bonanza: Texas Supreme Court decides Lamar Homes
The Supreme Court also disagreed with the district court's common... -
NO EVACUATION PLAN? Not malpractice, La. court says LAMAR HOMES... -
The National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices... -
FeaturesTexas: 32 workers’ comp carriers high performing
In its initial assessment of workers' compensation carriers and... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Another Katrina levee failure case heard by La. appeals court Oral... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: The problem of natural disasters
What to do about natural disasters? We can't really prevent them and... -
FeaturesBreathing a ‘sigh of relief’ after Lamar Homes decision
While I suspect that many folks in the insurance industry had a "dog... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
The Republic Group The Republic Group, headquartered in Dallas,... -
News Currents$120M in disaster aid approved for storm-battered Okla. in 2007
El Reno, Okla., Aug. 20, 2007 - Talia Hubbard looks at her flooded... -
Closing QuoteCatastrophes: The time to act is now
Reports show that the typical taxpaying American family paid more... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Report: Insurers did not shift wind claims p:"Our sample revealed no... -
FeaturesThe subprime mortgage mess and the professional liability market
The collapse of the subprime mortgage lending industry has dominated... -
Closing QuoteCatastrophes: There is no free lunch
Any study that implies consumers and taxpayers have thousands of... -
Declarations A gateway crime "Research indicates that auto theft is a... -
FeaturesEl Reno, Okla., Aug. 20, 2007 – Talia Hubbard looks at her flooded home that she had to leave in the middle of the night
FeaturesHumberto lands in Texas, sweeps across La.
Hurricane Humberto, a category 1 hurricane that formed quickly off... -
Idea ExchangeBreathing a ‘sigh of relief’ after Lamar Homes decision
While I suspect that many folks in the insurance industry had a "dog... -
CurrentsFederal appeals court sides with Nationwide in Katrina storm surge case
A federal appeals court sided with Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. on... -
CurrentsReport: Insurers did not shift wind claims
A preliminary report from the federal government found no evidence to... -
Idea ExchangeLawyers should not dismiss lawyers’ professional liability coverage
The perils facing employed lawyers have increased substantially in... -
Idea ExchangeCatastrophes: There is no free lunch
Since the devastating hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005, some... -
Idea ExchangeCatastrophes: The time to act is now
Two years have passed since America's most shocking wake-up call... -
FeaturesPredictive Analytics 2.0
Maximizing the science and art of business analysis with the next... -
FeaturesMaking the case for Internet liability coverage
There has been very little in the history of the world that has... -
FeaturesChinese imports and product liability coverage
Wave of recalls pushes broker, insurer roles in product safety,... -
CurrentsJudge throws out all federal antitrust charges against insurers, brokers
No evidence found to support charges of a global conspiracy among... -
FeaturesCutting doctors’ hours may not reduce medical errors, studies find
New 80-hour limit for medical residents may not be the best way to... -
Cover StoryThe CHANGING FACE of Surplus Lines Brokers
The surplus lines industry is never boring, never plain and certainly... -
CurrentsIndustry skeptical, while Treasury opposes natural disaster pool
Federal legislation that encourages states to pool their catastrophe... -
FeaturesU.S. excess and surplus lines market attracts international attention
The United States excess and surplus lines market presents... -
Idea ExchangeEight major mistakes employers make when workers’ comp rates go down
Employers must view coverage more as a comprehensive risk management... -
Idea ExchangeExporters’ insurance: A world of opportunity
Companies moving into international markets could be exposed to risks... -
Idea ExchangeProspects and pitfalls in a changing global insurance world
The 'rest of the world' offers new opportunities for growth, but not... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyEstablish an authentic small business department
The small business insurance market has grown in importance to... -
CurrentsHealth premiums rise 6.1%; average family coverage costs $12,000
Premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance rose an average of... -
CurrentsProgressive combines personal lines management
The Progressive Corp. in Mayfield, Ohio, is consolidating management... -
CurrentsU.S. reinsurers report premiums dropped in 2Q
The Reinsurance Association of America (RAA), a group of 22 U. S.... -
CurrentsInsurers have manageable exposure to subprime turmoil, report says
The vast majority of U.S. insurers have little or no exposure to the... -
CurrentsU.S. fire report: More fires; fewer deaths and injuries; rise in property losses
Fire departments in the United States responded to an estimated 1.6... -
CurrentsGuy Carpenter finds Lloyd’s market at its ‘healthiest in 300 years’
Findings boast stellar results for London market with Lloyd's leading... -
Editor's NoteThe problem of natural disasters
What to do about natural disasters? We can't really prevent them and... -
Currents$120M in disaster aid approved for storm-battered Okla. in 2007
More than $120 million in federal disaster aid has been approved so... -
An article in the sept. 3, 2007, issue of Insurance Journal South... -
CurrentsHumberto lands in Texas, sweeps across La.
Total insured losses estimated at around $500M Hurricane Humberto, a... -
CurrentsTexas: 32 workers’ comp carriers high performing
In its initial assessment of workers' compensation carriers and... -
A gateway crime "Research indicates that auto theft is a gateway... -
It FiguresIt Figures
3 Former Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher recently... -
CurrentsAnother Katrina levee failure case heard by La. appeals court
Oral arguments in a lawsuit over whether an insurance company must... -
CurrentsLa. Supreme Court: Lack of hospital evacuation plan not malpractice
The Louisiana Supreme Court on Sept. 5 ruled that allegations that... -
CurrentsOhio Casualty officially joins the Liberty Mutual agency family
With $7.3 billion in premium, Liberty Mutual Agency Markets becomes... -
CurrentsWhat’s ahead for Liberty Mutual, Ohio Casualty independent agents?
For agents, the Liberty Mutual Agency Markets acquisition of Ohio... -
Idea ExchangeThe subprime mortgage mess and the professional liability market
The collapse of the subprime mortgage lending industry has dominated... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
The National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Private Schools (K-12) Nuts & Bolts: Markel Insurance Co. is an... -
Legal BeatA policyholder bonanza: Texas Supreme Court decides Lamar Homes
For many years now, the Texas Supreme Court has been generally...
National Coverage
News CurrentsNews Currents
Insurers have manageable exposure to subprime turmoil, report says... -
FeaturesMaking the case for Internet liability coverage
There has been very little in the history of the world that has... -
FeaturesSurplus lines industry sees a flurry of M&As in 2007 despite softening market
The surplus lines market continues to be the insurance industry's... -
Workers CompEight major mistakes employers make when workers’ comp rates go down
Declining rates act as blinders for many employers. With lower prices... -
News CurrentsHealth premiums rise 6.1%; average family coverage costs $12,000
Premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance rose an average of... -
FeaturesProspects and pitfalls in a changing global insurance world
No European city has recently changed as much as Berlin (with the... -
FeaturesBy Marty Ellingsworth
The use of predictive analytics is truly enhancing speed and customer... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Judge throws out all federal antitrust charges against insurers,... -
FeaturesU.S. reinsurers report premiums dropped in 2Q
The Reinsurance Association of America (RAA), a group of 22 U. S.... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Industry skeptical, while Treasury opposes natural disaster pool... -
FeaturesU.S. fire report: More fires; fewer deaths and injuries; rise in property losses
Fire departments in the United States responded to an estimated 1.6... -
FeaturesChinese imports and product liability coverage
Recalled toys sit in the foreground as Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill.,... -
FeaturesCutting doctors’ hours may not reduce medical errors, studies find
Cutting the grueling work hours of doctors-in-training had little... -
FeaturesGuy Carpenter finds Lloyd’s market at its ‘healthiest in 300 years’
Guy Carpenter & Co., Marsh's reinsurance broker and risk management... -
FeaturesProgressive combines personal lines management
The Progressive Corp. in Mayfield, Ohio, is consolidating management... -
FeaturesExporters’ insurance: A world of opportunity
In the past 10 years, it has become much easier for U.S. companies to... -
FeaturesEstablish an authentic small business department
The small business insurance market has grown in importance to...