April 21, 2008
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Top 100 Retail Agencies; Medical Professional Liability; Top Performing P/C Insurers: 1Q
In this Issue
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Towerstone Towerstone Inc., a wholesale insurance broker and managing... -
People Mullis Newby Hurst L.P., an Addison, Texas-based provider of... -
FeaturesState-Federal Showdown Over Real ID License Averted … For Now
The clash between the states and the federal government over... -
FeaturesCoast Has Big Influence on Louisiana and Texas Property Markets
After two mild catastrophe years, states hope to share better... -
FeaturesLa. State Senator Indicted in Relation to Insurance Fraud Case
A federal grand jury on April 10 indicted a Louisiana state senator... -
Legal BeatProfessional Services: Do You Know Them When You See Them?
The complex medical field with its often personalized treatments can... -
One's Too Many "Personal injury lawyers in Texas want to see the... -
FeaturesLa. Supreme Court: Flood Exclusion in Insurance Policy is Not Ambiguous
Finding the flood exclusion in an insurance policy sold by Lafayette... -
FeaturesSpring Storms Hammer Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas
Damage estimates continue to pile up Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas... -
Closing QuoteFederal Charter: A Future ‘Insurance Subprime’ Debacle?
The banking and securities industry is facing worldwide subprime... -
Case WatchCase Watch
Additional Insured Evanston Insurance Co. v. Atofina Petrochemicals... -
FeaturesDemand For Food, Fuel Creating Ample Need for Agribusiness Insurance
The need for agricultural insurance is growing like a weed. "This is... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$225 Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has charged a Houston company...
National Coverage
FeaturesAgents’ Workload Goes Up as Economy, Compensation Move Down
Soft market, economic downturn, consumer advocacy translate into more... -
FeaturesPublic Brokers’ Stocks Trading Down While M&As Fall in February, March
Stock Prices: Brokerage stocks have started 2008 in a downward... -
FeaturesSoft Market’s Effect on Premium Volume Doesn’t Have to Hinder Revenue
Soft market's effect on premium volume doesn't have to hinder revenue... -
FeaturesWorld’s Weather as a Deranged Pinball Machine?
The 10th edition of the European Insurance Forum (EIF), held at... -
News CurrentsUnderwriting Hurt Insurers’ Bottom Lines in 2007
Steep declines in underwriting profits hurt bottom lines for property... -
FeaturesClinton Plan Would Cut Tax Benefit for Foreign Insurers Competing for U.S. Business
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, as part of a broad... -
FeaturesPrognosis Good in Medical Professional Liability Market
Tort reform keeping claims frequency down; surplus up, but severity... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesWhite Papers and Blueprints: Agents Chart Their Own Regulatory Future
Independent agents hold onto market share, prepare for post-November... -
FeaturesU.S. Disaster Agency FEMA Improved But Still Lacking, Report Says
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is better prepared for... -
FeaturesDevelop Online Renewal Questionnaires for Homeowners Insureds
During the latter decades of the 20th Century, small insurance... -
FeaturesHealth Care Market May Be Safer to Operate In
Tort reform, soft market, drive down claims frequency in health care... -
FeaturesTop 100 Property Casualty Independent Agencies
About This Report: The soft market had its effect on this year's Top... -
FeaturesSurvey: 1Q Commercial Lines Premiums Drop Most Since 2005
Commercial lines insurance premiums experienced the largest quarterly... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: Top 25 P/C Premium Gainers in 2007 Versus 2006
President Calvin Coolidge noted that "All growth depends upon... -
FeaturesClimate Change Risk Gives Industry An Opportunity to Be Part of the Solution
Global warming, the consequence of which is referred to as climate... -
FeaturesFBI: Dollar Loss From Internet Crime Reaches All-time High of $240 Million in 2007
Internet crimes in 2007 cost nearly $240 million, a $40 million...