September 1, 2008
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Salute to Surplus Lines Brokers/NAPSLO; London Report; Top Workers' Comp Writers
In this Issue
FeaturesUse of Private Lawyers Questioned in Former La. AG’s Katrina Case
U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval has asked Louisiana's commissioner... -
FeaturesBallinger Keeps the Beat at the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas
SLSOT Celebrates its 20th Anniversary This Year Phil Ballinger,... -
FeaturesState Farm Wins One in Dispute Over Homeowners Rates in Texas
In a long running dispute between the Texas Department of Insurance... -
Swimming in the Buff "You always find out who's been swimming naked... -
FeaturesU.S.-Mexico Cross Border Trucking Project Extended for 2 More Years
In early August 2008 the U.S. Department of Transportation extended... -
FeaturesAuto Rates Rising for State Farm, Allstate Customers
Allstate and State Farm are raising their auto rates in Texas. State... -
FeaturesAllstate Targets Uninsured in Texas
A recent test of the Texas Auto Insurance Verification Program... -
FeaturesJungle Love
Risk Management Strategies Based on Emulating Animals in the Jungle... -
FeaturesManaging and Using Information to Grow an Agency
Eight Good Reasons to Get Your Database Efforts Underway The word... -
It FiguresIt Figures
84,000 The Arkansas Department of Health says the state had 84,000... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Apex Global, Benefit Partners Apex Global Partners Inc. acquired... -
FeaturesHurricanes and Tropical Storms: 2 Down, How Many More to Go?
With hurricane season halfway over for 2008, Louisiana has so far... -
People & PlacesPeople
Community Financial Insurance Center, Monroe, La., hired Jeanette F.... -
Editor's NoteHope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst
During the 2008 hurricane season, Texas has so far been hit by... -
FeaturesWill Baby Boomers Lead to Boost in Worker Woes?
Managing Risks With an Aging Workforce The aging and retirement of...
National Coverage
FeaturesU.S. Commercial Lines Outlook Revised To Negative From Stable
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services revised its outlook on the U.S.... -
FeaturesU.S. Doctors Say Lawsuits Help Guarantee Drug Safety
Doctors who run one of the most influential U.S. medical journals are... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesLloyd’s in the 21st Century
The Modernization of Lloyd's and the London Market Any institution... -
FeaturesLessons in Globalizing an Insurance Brand
Chubb: Understand Local Culture and Rely on Local Staff When Abroad... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: Top 25 Workers’ Compensation Companies
Workers' compensation direct premiums written (DPW) for calendar year... -
FeaturesU.S. Insurers’ Exposure to Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Deemed Manageable
The U.S. insurance industry's exposure to securities issued by Fannie... -
FeaturesLabor Department Reports Fewer Workers Killed on Job in 2007
The number of workers killed on the job annually dropped to an... -
FeaturesWhat’s All the Fuss About?
With the Soft Market Here Again, the E&S Market Must Get Back to Its... -
FeaturesBrokers’ Stocks Up Slightly for the Year; Banks Active in Brokerage M&As
Stock Prices: The brokerage sector as a whole is up 2 percent for the... -
FeaturesA Winning Culture
Lots of companies claim to have a great working environment, but when... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Results Remain Strong, Despite Heightened Competition
Brokerage M&As Expected to Continue for the Near Term; Time's Almost... -
FeaturesThe Complete Condo Package, Part 2
How to Fit the Right Pieces Together for an Association or Unit... -
Minding Your BusinessBusiness Planning in a Snap!
How to Create a Fast, Effective One-Page Agency Plan The fall is a... -
FeaturesFeds Charge 11 in Biggest-Ever Identity Theft Case
Authorities in Boston have cracked what is believed to be the largest... -
FeaturesWholesaler Value is a Story That Needs to Be Told
Soft Market or Not, Stay Focused on Providing Superior Service, Value...