December 1, 2008
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Program Directory, Vol. II
In this Issue
Peter Lauve, of Abilene, Texas, has been named president of... -
Editor's NoteLess Than Stellar
The economy has been less than stellar lately. Well, duh! You might... -
FeaturesTWIA Rates to Rise
Commercial and residential rates for policies written through the... -
FeaturesHow Valuing Diversity Can Boost Sales
Federal and state laws make discrimination in the workplace illegal... -
FeaturesWanted: Agencies Focusing on Hispanic Market
Texas on the List of States for Agency Acquisitions by Consolidators... -
FeaturesInsurance Dollars an Electoral Force in South Central States
Congressional candidates from the South Central states of Arkansas,... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$90 Million Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation had... -
FeaturesAgents ‘Putting Back the Pieces’ After Brooke
Brooke Group Declares Bankruptcy, Faces More Lawsuits Technically,... -
A Lawsuit-Driven System "Our lawsuit-driven system provides little... -
FeaturesDon’t Just Translate It
Why Advertising for Hispanic Consumers Should be Written in Spanish...
National Coverage
FeaturesAon Outlines Insurance Program for Troubled Financial Assets
In testimony in mid-November before the House Committee on Financial... -
FeaturesThere’s No Wrong or Right Time for an M&A
But Finding Financing Has Gotten Tougher When it comes to acquiring... -
FeaturesSomali Pirates Heighten Menace
Insurers Increasingly Concerned Over Growing Threat of Attacks Yo,... -
FeaturesAll Claims Are Local
Multinational Claims Require Knowledge of Culture, Currency and Legal... -
FeaturesEnvironmental Liability: What’s Good Today, Could Be Bad Tomorrow
Environmental Insurance Delivers the Best Shield of Defense Against... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
Features17th Annual Program Directory, Volume II
Welcome to Insurance Journal's 17th Annual Program Directory, Volume... -
FeaturesProgram Market’s ‘Best in Class’
Four Program Administrators Join the Ranks of Best Practices... -
FeaturesLloyd’s Expects U.S. To Adopt Federal Regulation of Insurance
Pushed by the global economic crisis, the United States is expected... -
FeaturesNew Catastrophe Bonds on Hold Pending Reinsurance Market Hardening
Disaster insurance bonds are one of the few assets to make any money... -
Minding Your BusinessSales & Marketing Planning
Part 1: Setting Your Course It is that time of year again; time to...