February 23, 2009
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Agency Salary Survey; Boats and Marinas; Agribusiness/Farm and Ranch
In this Issue
FeaturesAreas with Flood Policy Sales Potential
The GAO compared the number of NFIP policies in a given area as of... -
FeaturesStudy Unveils Target Areas for Flood Policy Sales
But Selling More at Subsidized Premiums Could Sink Flood Program... -
Idea ExchangeOperational Efficiency Should Be Priority No. 3 for Agency Managers
Managing an independent insurance agency in the current hard economy... -
Idea ExchangeChanging Demographics Offer a World of Opportunity for Enterprising Agents
Minorities Destined to Become Majority by Mid-Century Before the 21st... -
It FiguresIt Figures
17 In the wake of deadly tornadoes that swept through sections of... -
Editor's Note‘Sometimes You Just Have to Ask’
You don't have to be Hispanic to join the Hispanic Chamber of... -
People & PlacesPeople
America First Insurance, a Liberty Mutual Agency Markets regional... -
God, not Guns "Let us keep the sanctity of churches and put our faith... -
Legal BeatThe Paradox of Flood Insurance Coverage
You May Not Know What You Think You Know About Flood Insurance Claims... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Burnett Holdings, QBE New Orleans-headquartered insurance wholesaler...
National Coverage
FeaturesThe Relative Calm
At New York Forum, Industry Insiders Credit Risk Management for... -
FeaturesTop 5 Insurance Issues for Farmers in a Soft Economy
Review Exposures, Values and Maximize Insurance Value to Ensure... -
FeaturesWho’s Worth What?
Agency Salary Survey: Agencies Trim Payrolls and Raises Independent... -
FeaturesHope, Straight Talk and Despair Amid the Ruins
Obama to the Rescue; Hartwig on the Banks; Davos Devotees Duck Blame... -
FeaturesValuing the Deal: It’s What You Keep That Matters
We talk with clients all the time about the mergers and acquisitions... -
FeaturesRetail Marine Business Meet Darwinism in 2009 – The Strong Do Survive
5 Possible Solutions to Today's Challenging Times The year 2009 has... -
FeaturesBudget-Friendly Ideas to Retain Your Top Performers
Career Development, Mentors and Flexible Schedules Help Keep A-Level... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesEye on Boats and Marinas
Marine Broker Shares Views on the Current State of the Market The... -
FeaturesReinsurers Seem Ready to Flex Muscles, Raise Prices by Double-Digits
Reinsurers' tough talk about raising prices on the risk cover they...