April 6, 2009
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Directors & Officers Liability; Entertainment/Sport/ Special Events; Group Products for P&C Agents/ Benefits Brokerage Directory
In this Issue
FeaturesWhat is Your Agency Worth?
Insurance agencies are like snowflakes, no two are alike. Most of the... -
Closing Quote6 Steps to Take Before the Soft Market Hardens
Most insurance professionals detest a soft market because of the... -
It FiguresIt Figures
165 The estimated incurred loss ratio for insurers in Texas in 2008... -
People & PlacesPeople
Higginbotham & Associates, an independent insurance brokerage firm... -
Editor's NoteReady, Set – OK
As this issue of Insurance Journal South Central Edition went to... -
Features2008 Costly for Insurance Industry in Texas
The Texas insurance industry lost nearly $1.4 billion in 2008.... -
Frankly Mad "It's very, very disappointing. I've just pretty much run... -
FeaturesFive Reasons Why Agents Should Pay Attention to the Stimulus Package
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, or the Stimulus... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Gillis, Ellis & Baker Independent insurance agency Gillis, Ellis &...
National Coverage
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyDon’t Let F.U.D. Extinguish Your Marketing Efforts
Overcome Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt in Agency Offices In a... -
FeaturesWitch Hunt at AIG; While Lloyd’s Sees ‘Flight to Quality’
The witch hunt that has engulfed AIG needs to be toned down. If for... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesMeasurement of Success
Planning, People and Dedication Equal Success for Top 100 Agency... -
FeaturesD&O Insurance for Early-Stage Venture-Backed Firms:
Carriers Scrutinizing More, But Hungry for Business Even for... -
FeaturesWhat’s So Special About Special Event Insurance?
The pitfalls of not placing special-event coverage, when it's truly... -
FeaturesAn Awakened Washington Promises More Stress for Directors & Officers
Corporate Leaders Brace For Fallout From Heightened Regulation, Even... -
FeaturesStudy: Agency Satisfaction Linked to Amount of Business Sent to Insurers
When it comes to an agency's satisfaction with its personal lines...