April 20, 2009
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Young Agents Survey/Big "I" Issue; Medical Professional Liability; Inland Marine/ Transportation/Cargo
In this Issue
Legal BeatMedical Liability Claims-Made Policies
Challenges to the Notice Requirement Medical malpractice liability... -
FeaturesCat 5 Litigation in the Forecast?
As 2008 Hurricane Claims Enter Court and New Season Approaches,... -
FeaturesWindstorm Insurance Debate Begins in Texas, Finally
Texas legislators on April 7 finally jumped into debate over how to... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
INSURICA North America Group, a privately held independent insurance... -
People & PlacesPeople
Ron Wright, chief operating officer of Texas Mutual Insurance Co.... -
A Devastating Experience "Losing everything is an unimaginable and... -
Editor's NoteThe Weather Goblins
Who let the weather goblins out? Tornadoes, wildfires and floods, oh... -
FeaturesAgents Sue Brooke Corp.
More than 80 former insurance agents for bankrupt Brooke Corp. have... -
It FiguresIt Figures
1,000 Emergency management officials in Polk County, Ark., said about...
National Coverage
FeaturesThe Freedom to Grow
What Young Agents Value About Being Independent Profile of Young... -
FeaturesIndependence Through Teamwork
While the tendency is for independent agents to stress their... -
FeaturesSomali Pirates Step up Attacks; Exemption Renewal for Europe’s Insurers
Pirates have stepped up their attacks on shipping in the Gulf of Aden... -
Features50 Things Independent Agents Like LEAST
The exclusive 2009 Insurance Journal Young Agents Survey asked... -
FeaturesRates Rising on U.S. Property Catastrophe Reinsurance
A new industry briefing shows reinsurance rates continuing to... -
FeaturesRecession Affecting Both Supply and Demand for Insurance Coverage
Commercial insurance follows a boom-and-bust pricing cycle thought to... -
FeaturesSpecial Delivery: Added Value with Cargo Insurance
As Cargo Theft Rises, Carriers' Special Investigative Units Offer... -
Features101 Things Young Agents Like MOST
The exclusive 2009 Insurance Journal Young Agents Survey asked... -
FeaturesMarine Cargo Insurance for Small to Mid-Size Businesses Doesn’t Have to Sink the Ship
Importers and exporters that ship only a modest volume of goods do... -
Closing QuoteToo Big to Fail
How the Feds Can Address Systemic Risk Without Creating More... -
FeaturesOn the Road to Latin American Opportunity
As a large region with solid prospects for long-term growth, Latin... -
Minding Your BusinessRenewal Strategies in Challenging Times
In today's challenging times, retaining current agency business is... -
FeaturesFrequency Down but Severity Still a Problem for Medical Liability Insurers
Like just about any company anywhere on earth, medical liability... -
FeaturesMake the iConnection: Engage Your Future Leaders
Talent Strategies for Understanding Generation Y Employees "They all... -
FeaturesP/C Insurers Profitable in 2008 Despite Big Hits From Catastrophes, Financial Crisis
Property/casualty insurers remained profitable in 2008 despite taking... -
Features8 Ways to Improve Your Sales Timing and Your Income
Timing is everything in life and in insurance sales. Talk to a new... -
FeaturesGet in Touch with Gen Y
Why the Modern Workplace Is Important for the Next Generation of... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesFinding Solutions for Emerging E&O Risks
Excess and Surplus Lines Market Offers a Place For Challenging Risks...