November 7, 2011
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Top Commercial Lines Agencies, Habitational / Dwellings, Agents' E&O Survey
In this Issue
FeaturesFrom Concept to Execution: Winning Ideas
Since its creation just five years ago, MarketScout's Entrepreneurial... -
FeaturesInsurance Innovators and Their Inspirations
There are lots of ideas out there. Some of them come to fruition but... -
FeaturesInsurers, Policyholders Clash Over Business Interruption Claims
Over the years, insurers and policyholders have been arguing in... -
FeaturesTop 10 Risky Industries to Avoid
Future Looks Brighter for Overall Economy But These Top Industries... -
Editor's NoteA Protection Incentive
In a year in which natural disasters have dominated the news and have... -
FeaturesPredictive Analytics Being Used to Manage Agencies, Curb Fraud
Earlier this year, experts at WallStreet & Technology... -
FeaturesWomen Launch New Legal Salvo Against Wal-Mart
Women pursuing discrimination claims against Arkansas-based Wal-Mart... -
FeaturesArkansas Sen. Mark Pryor Opposes Flood Insurance Mandate Near Levees
Two U.S. senators are pressing to remove a federal requirement that... -
A Changing Sea "The world has moved on; the world has changed, and I... -
FeaturesFlood Damage Underestimated: Allianz
Floods are the most commonly occurring natural catastrophes in the... -
FeaturesMexican Truck Finally Enters U.S. Under NAFTA
The first Mexican long-haul truck bound for the U.S. interior crossed... -
People & PlacesPeople
Jim Donelon has been re-elected commissioner at the Louisiana... -
FeaturesTexas Man Sentenced to Prison for Insurance Scam
A Texas man has been ordered to serve more than seven years in prison... -
FeaturesThird Man Pleads Guilty in Fake Insurance Scheme
A third man has pleaded guilty in federal court in Houston to... -
FeaturesAssociation Founder Urena Still on Mission to ‘Latino-ize’ Insurance
The narrative of Andre Urena's life is told in a series of lessons,...
National Coverage
Closing QuoteWhy 9/11 Changed Everything
Prior to the Sept. 11 attacks 10 years ago, the thought of terrorism... -
FeaturesThe Demotech Company Classification System Reveals State Specialist Property/Casualty Insurers
Company Name State of Speciality 2010 TOTAL DPW Texas Mutual... -
Features2011 Agency E&O Survey
Agency owners have a lot to protect. Of course, first and foremost... -
FeaturesGenerous P/C Sector Seeks Ways to ‘Give Better,’ McKinsey Author Says
The property/casualty insurance sector that already does a lot of... -
FeaturesIndependent Agencies Showing Signs of Recovery, Better Profitability, Study Reveals
Things are looking better for the nation's property/casualty... -
Minding Your BusinessThe Power of the Mastermind
What is a mastermind group? A mastermind group is simply an alliance... -
FeaturesRental Properties Offer a Lucrative Niche for Insurance
Dark clouds continue to hang over the U.S. housing market with prices... -
FeaturesProcedural Consistency: A Good Defense for Agency E&O
I have often been asked why procedural consistency is important for... -
FeaturesHome Insurance Rates Do Not Reflect Cost of Risk: Aon Benfield
U.S. insurers' prospective after-tax return on equity for homeowners'... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in...