December 5, 2011
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Program Directory, Vol. II - Volume Two of the Agent's Favorite Program Placement Resource
In this Issue
FeaturesLouisiana Citizens Sheds More Policies
Nearly 11,000 homeowners polices once held by Louisiana's property... -
Legal BeatMedicare Liens and Settlements Following United States v. Stricker
Reaching a settlement amount between the carrier and a plaintiff over... -
FeaturesMore Homes Added to Chinese Drywall Remediation Settlement
A new settlement has been reached with Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin... -
FeaturesMore Small Earthquakes in Oklahoma
At least five small earthquakes were recorded in central Oklahoma... -
FeaturesOklahoma Gov. Requests Earthquake Disaster Assistance
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin is requesting a federal disaster... -
Editor's NoteAction Requested on MLR
If the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has its... -
People & PlacesPeople
Susan Gropp has been elected president of the Texas Surplus Lines... -
FeaturesStudy Recommends Houston Ship Channel Floodgate
A study on protecting Southeast Texas from disastrous storms like... -
FeaturesAvailability of Earthquake Insurance Increasing in Oklahoma
Two managing general insurance agencies have increased earthquake... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
IBTX Risk Services IBTX Risk Services has moved its Dallas/Fort Worth... -
FeaturesCan’t Wait on Exchange
A legislative panel exploring the impact of the new federal health... -
A Rebounding Market "This reduction in market share of Citizens is a... -
FeaturesHow to Reduce the Risk When Buying Agency E&O Coverage
Agents shopping for errors and omissions coverage should compare the... -
FeaturesJudge: Transocean Insurance not Available to BP for Oil Spill
States May Pursue Punitive Damages Against BP and Others. BP has lost... -
FeaturesLand O’Lakes Gives $10K to Texas Volunteer Fire Departments
Land O'Lakes Inc. Foundation has donated $10,000 to Texas Forest...
National Coverage
Features8 Ways to Avoid Making a Lousy First Impression
Don't Self-Destruct at an Initial Meeting With a New Insurance... -
FeaturesBest Practices to Prevent Employee Fraud in a Recession
Difficult economic times like these are always accompanied by an... -
FeaturesWell-Meaning Decisions Yield Unintended Consequences
It would be difficult to find an industry more competitive than the... -
FeaturesHow to Attract Carrier Attention for Program Business
Agents who use an organized, straightforward method when submitting... -
FeaturesInsurers Bracing for Thai Flood Claims at More Than $10B
Insurers are bracing themselves for claims in excess of $10 billion... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in... -
FeaturesPerpetuation: It Isn’t Just a Money Thing
When agency owners think of perpetuation planning, they often think... -
FeaturesProgram Market Growing With $17.5B in Premium, Survey Reveals
Jeremy Hitzig, Target Markets Program Administrators Association... -
FeaturesStarr International Files $25B Lawsuit Against U.S., Calling AIG Takeover ‘Unconstitutional’
A company run by former American International Group Inc. Chief... -
FeaturesLeading By Creating
Top 100 Agency Profile Agency Name: Confie Seguros, trading under... -
FeaturesU.S. Reopens Public Database of Malpractice Claims Against Doctors
The U.S. government reopened public access to a database of...