December 19, 2011
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
2012 Market Fact Book (including all 2011 Surveys in one convenient place!), Buyers Guide
In this Issue
FeaturesDriving While Phoning? Top 10 Excuses
Motorists getting distracted by holding a cellphone in one hand and...
National Coverage
FeaturesAgency Pro-tection
E&O and Agency Assets Agency owners have a lot to protect. Of course,... -
FeaturesAll in the Family
Young Agents Survey Reveals Strong Family Ties Bryan Hanes grew up in... -
FeaturesBreathe New Life into Your Old Performance Review Tactics
The end of the year is swiftly approaching, signaling that the time... -
FeaturesBusiness Moves
Confie Seguros, Auto Insurance Discounters Confie Seguros, a national... -
Closing QuoteThe Costs of the Financial Crisis for Policyholders
When examining the consequences of the financial crisis on the... -
Frank Talk "Once (Dodd-Frank) is fully implemented — I think it... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Enhance Your Errors & Omissions Culture in 2012
As the end of 2011 approaches, this is a good time to reflect upon... -
FeaturesForeign Insurers Losing Out in China
Ten years ago, foreign insurers were lining up to celebrate China's... -
FeaturesFact or Fiction? Insurance Tidbits of Known and Little-Known Information
Have you ever wondered how modern-day fire departments began? Or why... -
FeaturesMost Insurers Meet Medical Ratio
Most U.S. health insurers last year would have satisfied the... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in... -
Editor's NoteFact or Fiction?
Insurance geeks everywhere are buzzing about the latest issue of... -
FeaturesP/C Insurance Isn’t Innovative? Don’t Believe It
There's more innovation in property/casualty insurance than people... -
People & PlacesPeople
Liberty Mutual consolidated its specialty construction operations and... -
FeaturesProperty Rates on the Rise
Nearly half of the U.S. property insurance policies renewed in the... -
FeaturesTest Your Insurance News Knowledge
Are you an insurance news hound? Test your insurance news IQ and find... -
FeaturesThe 2011 Survey Issue
Together Again: 3-in-1 What are the industry's young agents thinking?... -
FeaturesTop 10 Most Read from ClaimsJournal.com
In 2011, ClaimsJournal.com readers took an interest in... -
FeaturesTop 20 Most Searched Markets from MyNewMarkets.com
Workers' compensation was one of the most popular markets to look for... -
FeaturesWho’s Worth What in the Agency System: Time to Evaluate Frozen Salaries
Agency Salary Survey Reveals Frozen Salaries; Experts Say Time Is...