April 2, 2012
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
50 Awesome Social Media Ideas for Agencies; Entertainment, Sports & Special Events; Directors & Officers Liability
National Coverage
Features50 Awesome Social Media Ideas for Insurance Agencies
Social media is a good marketing tool when used wisely. Today's... -
Editor's NoteSocial Privacy
The Internet changed the way the world works, and the federal... -
FeaturesWhy Board Members Need Community Association D&O Liability
Community associations present a unique set of challenges to... -
FeaturesIs There a Bad Apple in Your Bunch?
I'm sure you've heard the saying, "One bad apple spoils the whole... -
FeaturesWhat’s Your Grofit?
Grow at All Costs, Or Drive the Bottom Line? As you execute on your... -
FeaturesAgency Management Challenges
How Money, Motivation and Morale Connect Pop quiz: Agency owners,... -
Minding Your BusinessBe an Influencer
How to Get Employees to Do What You Want We just finished the book... -
FeaturesCalifornia’s Workers’ Comp Underwriting Results Erode
For the second consecutive year, California workers' compensation... -
Closing QuoteRegulators and the Business of Climate Change-Related Risk
For more than three years, a handful of insurance regulators and... -
FeaturesDemand for Kidnap & Ransom Insurance on the Rise in Latin America
Schools, Entertainers and Non-Governmental Organizations Need... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Social Media Can Be Your Friend or Foe
Effective use of the various forms of social media can play a huge... -
FeaturesFlorida Passes Workers’ Comp Changes
While debates over property insurance and no-fault auto insurance... -
FeaturesInsurance Plays Lead Role in Movies
Americans love movies, and they showed it by purchasing 1.2 billion... -
FeaturesWith 18 Fatalities Arkansas Tops in Flood Deaths Last Year
Eighteen Arkansas residents died in floods last year, the most in any... -
Kentucky Limits Cancellations
Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear has signed an executive order prohibiting... -
FeaturesMichigan Catastrophic Injury Premium to Go to $175 Per Car
Michigan drivers will pay $30 more for auto insurance starting July 1... -
FeaturesMissouri Discrimination, Workers’ Comp Bills Vetoed
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has vetoed for the second consecutive year... -
FeaturesN.Y. Agency Groups Will Not Appeal Recent Disclosure Ruling
It looks like the courtroom battle has ended for New York State's... -
FeaturesOhio Court: Builders Must Construct Homes in ‘Workmanlike Manner’
Ohio's high court has held that homebuilders have a duty imposed by... -
FeaturesRegulators’ Advice: Be Prepared for Springtime Risks
Tis the season when flowers bloom and birds sing — which means it's... -
FeaturesResearch Hopes to Curb Head, Neck Injuries in Athletes
Two competitive Ohio medical research institutions are teaming up at... -
FeaturesRisk for Corruption High in South Central States, Report Says
Although none of the 50 U.S. state governments were found to be... -
FeaturesSecurities Fraud Settlements in 2011 Were Lowest in Decade
Angry investors are seeing far fewer financial benefits from lawsuits... -
FeaturesThe Hartford Selling Life Insurance Units
The Hartford Financial Services Group yielded to demands from its... -
FeaturesVale Training Solutions Teams Up With the Insurance Journal Academy
From green risks to restaurant claims, there are many topics to... -
FeaturesAlabama Considers Coastal Depopulation Plan
The Alabama Legislature is considering a bill that would give up to... -
FeaturesAmWins Reportedly for Sale; CEO DeCarlo Says Firm is Recapitalizing
The owners of AmWINS Group Inc., the largest wholesale insurance... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in... -
People & PlacesPeople
Dallas-based Roach Howard Smith & Barton, an independent insurance... -
Features2012 Second Quarter Schedule
April 4, 18, May 2, 16, 30, 2012 Succession Training (5 Part... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Aon Aon Corp. stockholders voted overwhelmingly in favor of the... -
A Little THC "I don't drink and drive, and I don't smoke and drive....