February 25, 2013
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Hospitality Risks Directory; Homeowners & Auto; Public Entities
In this Issue
Editor's NoteCyber Vulnerabilities
Cyber hackers are on the attack. Yawn, so what else is new? Nothing,... -
FeaturesHouston Officer: Texting Drivers Are Blind Drivers
Houston Police Officer Paul Lassalle said it used to be easy spotting... -
FeaturesWorkers’ Comp Tops Oklahoma Small-Business Agenda
Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb and Oklahoma business leaders rolled out their... -
Features10 Things to Know About the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association
Changes to the way the state handles coastal property insurance... -
People & PlacesPeople – Midwest
Richard J. Gergasko has been named president and chief executive... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves – South Central
Monster Insurance, OneBeacon Insurance MarketScout, the national... -
DeclarationsDeclarations – South Central
A Broken System "Our system is broken — it requires a major...
National Coverage
FeaturesAgency Compensation Playbook: Who’s Worth What?
2013 Agency Salary Survey Managing sales in an independent agency is... -
FeaturesReasonable Compensation
If you haven't heard the news, the federal government is a little... -
FeaturesGrow By Asking and Answering the Right Questions
One of the "secrets" to building an agency, or any business for that... -
FeaturesInsurers Begin Employing IBM’s Supercomputer Watson
Dr. Watson is accepting new patients. The Watson supercomputer is... -
FeaturesEmployers Underestimate True Cost of Complying with Healthcare Reform: Willis
The majority of employers seek to avoid cost increases for their... -
FeaturesPersonnel Budget Ratio
How much of a bite should compensation take out of an agency? In... -
FeaturesYacht Fires Pose Challenge to Firefighters and Insurers
Difficult to access and usually within confined spaces, yacht fires... -
FeaturesHigh Prices, Crop Insurance to Offset Drought Losses for Farmers in 2013: USDA
The seven-year-old U.S. agricultural boom, driven by record-high... -
Features5 Resolutions Insurance Marketers Should Make in 2013
The New Year finds people across the world making resolutions to... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Insuring Personal Watercraft
Do Your Customers Know the Options? It won't be long before Mother... -
FeaturesCustomers Want What Local Agents Provide
Sometimes, independent insurance agents can get too sophisticated for... -
FeaturesMobile Technology Gaining with Insurers: Survey
While much of the attention around use of mobile devices in insurance... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in...