September 9, 2013
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Top Workers' Comp Writers; Intellectual Property: Copyright, Trademark, Patent & Cyber / Media Liability; Residential Contractors
In this Issue
FeaturesArkansas Researchers: Hill Climbing Tornadoes More Dangerous
New research from the University of Arkansas finds that tornadoes... -
FeaturesTWIA Board Votes to Raise Rates by 5% in January
The board of the insurer of last resort for wind and hail along the... -
People & PlacesPeople – South Central
LevelFirst, a wholesale broker and managing general agency based in...
National Coverage
FeaturesCEOs, Insurers Finally Ready to Embrace Intellectual Property Insurance?
The small yet complicated niche of patent and intellectual property... -
Editor's NoteKnowing Their Business
Understanding the exposures of commercial clientele is not only... -
Idea ExchangeInsurance Coverage for Discounting the Price of Goods for Sale?
Modern commercial general liability (CGL) policies provide coverage... -
Features10 Things to Know About Residential Contractors
There is a key difference between an independent contractor and a... -
FeaturesQuickest Way to Raise Agents’ Ire
What is the quickest way a consultant can raise the ire of agents... -
FeaturesWorkers’ Comp Premiums Jump 8.1% in First Half of 2013
Demotech's review of second quarter 2013 data, as recently reported... -
Minding Your BusinessHow to Develop a Sales and Marketing Plan
Every year a firm should develop a new sales and marketing plan. This... -
FeaturesPremium Increases Under Obamacare Not as High as Expected: Study
The federal Affordable Care Act will not lead to widespread premium... -
FeaturesInsurance Coverage Considerations
To find the right coverage brokers should take into account the... -
FeaturesCommercial Insurance Rate Hikes Continuing; Workers’ Comp Profit Ahead in 2014: Moody’s
Moody's expects property/casualty commercial insurance rate hikes to... -
FeaturesWorkers’ Compensation Benefits, Employer Costs Rise: Study
Both workers' compensation benefits paid to insureds and costs for... -
Features28th Annual Market & Financial Outlook Survey Reveals an Optimistic Marketplace: MarshBerry
In June of this year, MarshBerry launched its 28th Annual Market &... -
FeaturesProduct Safety Recalls Generating Greater Insurance Risks
Consumer product safety recalls in the United States have escalated... -
Workers CompWorkers’ Compensation Market: Challenges Remain Despite Recent Improvements
The market for workers' compensation insurance is in a recovery phase... -
FeaturesMost People Believe World Is Getting Riskier: Swiss Re
A new survey, commissioned by Swiss Re on the occasion of its 150th... -
FeaturesHelping Clients Understand Risks of Handling Credit Cards
These days, the vast majority of businesses selling goods and... -
FeaturesWinning Share and Customer Loyalty in Auto Insurance
The $175-billion U.S. auto insurance industry could be spending its... -
FeaturesCompliance with PCI Security Standards
Insurance brokers can assist clients that handle payment card... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Markel Ventures, Eagle Construction Markel Ventures Inc. announced... -
Workplace Fatalities "Killing 35 citizens isn't acceptable to us. We... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in...