September 22, 2014
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Top Workers' Comp Writers; Intellectual Property: Copyright, Trademark & Patent Liability; Residential Contractors
In this Issue
FeaturesFatal Occupational Injuries Decrease by 8% in Texas in 2013
In 2013, there were 493 fatal occupational injuries in Texas, an 8... -
FeaturesWorkers’ Comp Loss Costs Declining Again in Oklahoma
For the second straight year, workers' compensation loss costs used... -
FeaturesTexas Pickup Trucks Stolen the Most: NICB Report
Pickup trucks may not be the "official vehicle" of the state of... -
FeaturesRate Changes in Store for Louisiana Citizens Commercial Insurance Customers
Premiums for almost all of Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance... -
FeaturesOnce Again, Texas Lawmakers Asked to Do Something about Windstorm Insurer
What to do about Texas' wind insurer of last resort? That's the... -
FeaturesHomeowner Rate Hikes Go Unchallenged by Texas Commissioner
Texas' insurance commissioner has allowed the three largest home... -
Features$2.25M Additional Claims Payments Recovered in Louisiana in First Half of 2014
Consumers who filed complaints were helped by Louisiana Department of... -
People & PlacesPeople – South Central
Stuart Parker, currently chief operating officer at San Antonio-based...
National Coverage
FeaturesInsuring Products of the Mind
The rapid growth in patent infringement litigation in 2013 – almost... -
FeaturesTop 5 Insurance Industry Misconceptions About Copyright
Few industries understand the concept of risk better than the... -
Editor's NoteFighting Cybercrime
HSB, a specialty insurer that is part of Munich Re, along with Trail... -
Minding Your BusinessFinding and Selling to Ideal Clients
When an agency is started, most new owners will be happy to sell... -
Closing QuoteHelping Clients Through Home Renovations
Home renovations are in high gear these days, thanks to low interest... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyHow a ‘Middle-Aged’ Marketer Can Help Your Agency Grow
It is common knowledge that if an agency wants to employ a dedicated... -
Tech TalkCustomer Experience Makes Bigger Impact Than Policy, Claims
Many agents understand in principle that "customer experience" is the... -
FeaturesWorkers’ Compensation Premiums Increased By 5.1% in First Half of 2014
Demotech's review of second quarter 2014 data, as recently reported... -
FeaturesDemand for Liability Insurance to Rise Again
Claims severity and demand for liability insurance will increase as... -
FeaturesContractors and the CGL Policy’s ‘Your Product’ and ‘Your Work’ Exclusions
Dear Contractors: The wall you just built may not be covered by your... -
FeaturesThe Ever-Evolving Nature of Cyber Coverage
To understand the current state of network security and privacy... -
FeaturesLosses by Business Sector
Aviation Improvements in airline safety are leading to far fewer... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: How Well Do You Know Your Workers’ Compensation Risk?
The workers' compensation class of business results in upwards of 10... -
FeaturesTop 10 Causes of Business Insurance Losses
Nearly 70 percent of business financial losses arise from 10 causes... -
FeaturesOSHA Revises Severe Injury Reporting Rule
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has... -
FeaturesThe Problem with Domestic Excess and Surplus Lines Insurers
It has been more than five years since states, beginning with... -
Features10 Things to Know About Intellectual Property
Total global intellectual property applications worldwide in 2012:... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management, Dezelan Insurance Agency Arthur... -
Stormy Relations "Storm surge and wind-driven waves flooded homes and...