December 5, 2016
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Program Directory, Volume II
In this Issue
FeaturesMonitor: Almost All of Arkansas in Some Form of Drought
More than 86 percent of Arkansas is in some form of drought ahead of... -
People & PlacesPeople – South Central
Teri Brinson, executive vice president of M.D. Jensvold & Co.... -
FeaturesResidents, Pawnee Nation File Suits Following 5.8 Mag Quake
Residents of Pawnee, Okla., have filed suit in district court against... -
FeaturesTexas Workers’ Comp Division: Rates Among Nation’s Lowest
Texas has some of the nation's most affordable workers' compensation... -
FeaturesCalifornia, Texas Top Western States for Extreme Risk of Wildfire Damage
California and Texas rank first and second for the total number of... -
FeaturesLouisiana Ranked No. 2 in Worker Safety
The rate of work-related injuries and illnesses among Louisiana's... -
FeaturesNew Orleans Jury Awards $16M to 4 Workers for 2013 Plant Explosion
Four workers injured in a deadly 2013 petrochemical plant explosion...
National Coverage
Editor's NoteTeens and Distracted Driving: Get the Message Campaigns
Driving my children to school each morning it's hard not to notice... -
Idea ExchangeThe New OSHA Rules = No Secrets
On May 12, 2016, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration... -
FeaturesHow Challenges Create Opportunity in Program Business
Today's program administrators continue to face plenty of challenges,... -
Criminal Defense "You can't fire somebody because they refused to... -
Features2016 State Specialist P/C Insurers Revealed: Demotech
The Demotech Company Classification System categorizes insurers into... -
FeaturesReinsurers See Rate Stabilization on the Horizon
North American reinsurers may soon see some rate stabilization after... -
FeaturesACA Does Not Hurt Medical Care Access for Workers’ Comp Claimants: Study
New research has found that while the Patient Protection and... -
Closing QuoteCould POTUS Battle Trigger More Discrimination Suits?
Regardless of one's political leaning, the 2016 presidential election... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
On-Hook Coverage Market Detail: NationsBuilders Insurance Services... -
Features8 Things to Know About Programs
A program is defined as an insurance product targeted to a particular... -
FeaturesACORD CEO Pieroni on the Industry’s Digital Transformation
Bill Pieroni, CEO of ACORD, is on a mission -- not to "push" the... -
FeaturesThe Competitive Advantage: Agency Owners of Yesterday and Today
When I began my career, many agency owners I met had founded their... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
BrickStreet Mutual, Motorists Mutual BrickStreet Mutual Insurance and... -
Idea ExchangeMinding Your Business: Producer Compensation – What’s New Today?
Designing a good and motivating producer compensation model does not...