January 9, 2017
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
High Risk Property; Employment Practices Liability; 2017 Insurance Agents & Brokers Meetings / Conventions Directory
In this Issue
FeaturesSouth Central Regulation Report Card: Texas’ Grade Rises, Arkansas’ Drops
No South Central state had the best score and none had the worst in a... -
FeaturesPercentage of Texas Workers’ Comp System Non-Subscribers Declines
The percentage of companies that don't participate in the Texas...
National Coverage
FeaturesHow Brokers Can Help SMBs Reduce Cyber Risk
Only recently, and mostly due to pressure created in the media by... -
FeaturesWhat to Expect in EPLI Under President Trump
What to Expect in 2017 There is no shortage of liability issues... -
FeaturesTop 10 Personal Auto Insurers and Today’s Market: A.M. Best
The U.S. personal auto insurance industry saw net premiums written... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
JLT Re, StoneHill Reinsurance JLT Re has acquired StoneHill... -
FeaturesState Marijuana Laws Are Changing, But Employer Attitudes, Federal Law Aren’t
Changing marijuana laws aren't necessarily making weed more welcome... -
FeaturesFlood Risk Increasing in North, Decreasing in South
The risk of flooding in the U.S. is changing regionally, and the... -
FeaturesReinsurers Anticipate Another Challenging Year, Seek Price Stabilization: Willis Re
Despite a 50 percent increase in insured losses from natural... -
Opioid Misuse "This is unacceptable. Through the Alabama Council on... -
Editor's NoteThe Cost of Workplace Incivility
Workplace incivility can create lasting damage -- whether employees... -
FeaturesBrexit Threatens 10% of London’s Financial Jobs: City of London Corp. Official
Up to 10 percent of jobs in London's financial district may be lost... -
FeaturesMinding Your Business: Business Exit Strategies
Every business owner will exit his or her business at some point. The... -
FeaturesOakland Warehouse Fire Has Some Insurance Pros on Alert
People in the business of insuring warehouses, especially those where... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Environmental Risks Market Detail: James River Insurance Co.'s... -
FeaturesBalloons, Exercise and Selfies: Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2016
Too much ice in an iced coffee? Too much lip balm left in the tube?... -
FeaturesThe Competitive Advantage: Loss Ratios – Do They Matter?
Do loss ratios matter? The old school answer is: "Absolutely! You are...