March 20, 2017
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Hot New Markets; Agency Technology; Corporate Profiles - Spring Edition
In this Issue
Features6 Texas Counties Declared Disaster Areas After Wildfires
Six counties in the Texas Panhandle have been declared disaster areas... -
FeaturesReport: Oil & Gas Operations Vulnerable to Hackers
Oil and gas companies, including some of the most celebrated industry... -
FeaturesTexas Senate Committee Hears Testimony on Tweaked ‘Hail Litigation’ Bill
The Texas Senate Business and Commerce Committee on March 9 heard... -
FeaturesTexas High Court Finds for Insurer in D&O Coverage Dispute
The Texas Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of an insurer in a... -
FeaturesE-Payments: The Next Tectonic Shift
When tectonic plates shift, we all know about it. Typically, it's... -
People & PlacesPeople – South Central
Teri Brinson, executive vice president of M.D. Jensvold & Co.,...
National Coverage
New MarketsMy New Markets
Amusement Centers/Devices Market Detail: Anderson & Murison... -
FeaturesCredible Workers’ Comp System Is More Important Now Than Ever: WCRI Conference
After decades of managing costs for employers, it's time for workers'... -
Editor's NotePrescription Drugs in the Workplace
More than 70 percent of United States employers are feeling the... -
FeaturesMinding Your Business: Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Outdated Beliefs in the Agency
Quick, what color is a yield sign? Many adults, especially those more... -
FeaturesNetVu’s Kitty Ambers on Making the Case for Innovation
Have you noticed how technology is rapidly eliminating tasks? We can... -
FeaturesTech Talk: Why Real-Time Binding Delivers Immediate Value
For independent agents, optimum use of technology delivers a... -
FeaturesIndustry Disruption and the Future of Talent: The Jacobson Group’s David Coons
From smart TVs and live streaming turning the entertainment industry... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
All Risks Ltd., American Management Advisors Inc. All Risks Ltd. has... -
Free Speech "The promise of free speech is that even when one holds... -
FeaturesSteamin’ Hot Markets: Cyber, Sharing Economy, Active Shooter, Construction, Mergers and More
Cyber Sharing Economy, Active Shooter, Construction, Mergers and More... -
FeaturesHow the Industry Can Take the Lead on New Food Safety Risks
The recently finalized Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)-related...