November 20, 2017
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Top Personal Lines Retail Agencies; Contractors & Builders; Assisted Living / Long Term Care
In this Issue
FeaturesLitigation Finance Investors Expanding Their Reach
Investor funded litigation is not new, but its use is expanding,... -
FeaturesLouisiana Insurance Producer, Adjuster Licensing Changes Begin Jan. 1
The Louisiana Department of Insurance has issued a reminder that... -
FeaturesHurricane Harvey Caused More than $200M in Crop, Livestock Losses in Texas
Hurricane Harvey caused more than $200 million in crop and livestock... -
FeaturesGen Re Marks a Decade of Helping Wounded Warriors at San Antonio Event
For the past 10 years the Gen Re office in Dallas has been hosting a... -
FeaturesVault E&S Approved as Surplus Lines Insurer in Arkansas
A new Arkansas-based surplus lines insurer has been approved to do... -
FeaturesImpact of Recent Natural Catastrophes on Insurance Market
Brokers and insureds are wondering what impact the devastation left... -
FeaturesMore than 63K Recreational Boats Destroyed by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma
More than 63,000 recreational boats were damaged or destroyed by... -
People & PlacesPeople
Tricia Wilson has joined insurance broker Holmes Murphy as an account...
National Coverage
FeaturesThe Senior Care Market Still Going Strong
The aging U.S. population will create unprecedented demand for the... -
Editor's NoteActive Shooter and Senior Living Risks
One area of emerging risk for many industries, including the long... -
FeaturesLiability Costs Continue to Rise for Long Term Care Industry
The cost of liability continues to increase for the long term care... -
Idea ExchangeRecent Hurricanes Highlight the Need for Digital Transformation in Insurance
The claims for Hurricane Irma are starting to pour in and they'll be... -
Closing QuoteRebating Laws Should Not Apply to Broker Fee Agreements
A negotiated retail broker agreement is a contract between a retail... -
Idea ExchangeA Storm of Claims Likely Following 2017 Hurricane Season
The aftermath of this year's hurricanes includes massive... -
Idea ExchangeWhen Hiring Seek the Help of a Bad Cop
I checked my email first thing this morning and got a resignation... -
FeaturesDeal Activity on Record Pace: MarshBerry
Deal count is on record pace for the first nine months of 2017... -
Minding Your BusinessDisaster Planning for Agencies: Minding Your Business
Northern California and specifically Sonoma and Napa Counties have... -
Idea ExchangeTech Tips to Reach Millennials: Tech Talk
Independent agents are slowly accepting the fact that they need to... -
FeaturesHow Surety Bonds Impact Contractor and Agent Relationships
Even though the surety industry is only a fraction of the total... -
FeaturesNew Judicial Appointments Could Help Curb Shareholder Suits, Reduce D&O Losses
Directors and officers (D&O) insurance has faced major losses in... -
FeaturesWhat to Expect for Commercial Insurance Pricing for 2018: WTW’s Marketplace Realities
Commercial insurance buyers should brace for rate increases for 2018... -
FeaturesInsurance Agents Make Gains to Organic Growth in Q2: Reagan
Insurance agencies and brokerage firms reported that their organic... -
Poor Job with Opioids "We do a pretty poor job of putting time into... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
AmWINS, Willis Towers Watson Specialty insurance broker AmWINS Group...