September 17, 2018
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Surplus Lines: Wholesale & Specialty Insurance Association Annual (formerly NAPSLO Annual); Market: Energy
In this Issue
FeaturesOklahoma Agencies Seeking to Curb Teens’ Distracted Driving
Several state agencies in Oklahoma, including the insurance... -
FeaturesU.S. Business Owners Find Varied Paths to Post-Disaster Recovery
Small business owners across the U.S. who are cleaning up from this... -
FeaturesReport Highlights Climate Change Risks Faced by Insurance Sector
A report that's being touted as the "first important review of... -
FeaturesTexas Workers’ Comp Claims Go Digital
Texas Workers' Compensation Commissioner Cassie Brown has turned in... -
FeaturesTort Reform Group: Texas Cat-Related Lawsuits Have Declined
In the year after the enactment of a Texas law aimed at reducing the... -
FeaturesAllstate: Brownsville, Texas, Has the Nation’s Safest Drivers
Illinois-based insurer, Allstate, has named Brownsville, Texas, the... -
People & PlacesPeople
Sam Siddons and Craig Morelos have joined the property/casualty...
National Coverage
Editor's NoteHarassment in the Workplace
More than one-third (35 percent) of employees in the U.S. feel... -
Idea ExchangeBest Tech Ways for Agents to Get the ‘Message’ Out
2018 has turned out to be the year of the text message. For agents,... -
Idea ExchangeHigh Customer Expectations Leads to New Challenges for Insurance Satisfaction
Record high customer satisfaction among auto insurance customers is... -
Idea ExchangeWhat Is an NRRA Exempt Commercial Purchaser?
Some larger commercial insurance brokers appear to be uncertain about... -
Idea ExchangeHow to Write Great Headlines, So Prospects Don’t Forget You
Renewal dates only come around once a year, but insurance problems... -
Idea ExchangeAttracting Gen Z: The Post-Millennial Talent Wave
Today's insurance labor market is colored by the rapid graying of the... -
Idea ExchangeHow to Maximize Agency Productivity
Maximizing employee productivity has a direct impact on the bottom... -
Closing QuoteCongress Should Amend Definition of Private Flood
Historically, the surplus lines market has served as a supplement to... -
FeaturesSan Francisco May Screen Insurers for Their Fossil Fuels Investments
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has become what is believed to... -
FeaturesAgencies Focus on Growing Larger Accounts: Channel Harvest Survey
Independent agents and brokers are focusing on growing the average... -
FeaturesCannabis: Striking a Balance Between Federal and State Laws
Currently, 30 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the... -
FeaturesA CEO Needs to Be Authentic, Optimistic and Resilient: PartnerRe’s Clarke
When PartnerRe acquired SAFR in 1997, it expanded its scope of... -
FeaturesMore Super Regional P/C Carriers Ready to Dive Into Specialty Lines
There's Opportunity in Unusual and Emerging Risks, Sullivan Tells... -
FeaturesLloyd’s Modernization Plans Move Full-Steam Ahead
From Electronic Placing to Artificial Intelligence: Lloyd's America... -
FeaturesManaging the Retail Agent’s Risk in Surplus Lines
While it is common for retail agents to turn to E&S wholesalers... -
FeaturesHow New Business Is Creating a New Wholesaler-Retailer Relationship
An influx of new business is presenting surplus lines wholesalers and... -
FeaturesAIG CEO Expects More Trading of Insurance-Linked Assets
American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Brian Duperreault... -
FeaturesReinsurance Industry Will Continue Consolidation: Fitch
As global reinsurance executives gathered in Monte Carlo for their... -
FeaturesHow U.S. P/C Commercial Insurers Will Fare Through 2019: Moody’s Investors Service
The outlook for the U.S. property/casualty commercial insurance... -
FeaturesPartner Re Celebrates Its First 25 Years– When Everything and Nothing Has Changed
During PartnerRe's first 25 years as a reinsurer, everything has... -
FeaturesVindati Platform Looks to ‘Delight’ Brokers Seeking Specialty Markets for Small-Medium Businesses
There will soon be a new specialty insurance site that promises to... -
FeaturesILS Market Could Bear 20% of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Marie Loss: A.M. Best
The insurance-linked securities (ILS) market potentially could bear... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Hub International, Kilbride & Harris Insurance Services Hub... -
Solar Game-changer "Swiss Re is guaranteeing the volume That's... -
New MarketsNew Markets
General Liability - All Contractors Market Detail: Calypso Insurance...