May 6, 2019
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Workers' Compensation Report; Workers' Comp Directory; Markets: Healthcare & Medical Professional Liability
In this Issue
FeaturesTexas Revamps Insurance Licensing Process, Call Center Response in Modernization Effort
The Texas agency responsible for regulating insurance business in the... -
FeaturesSwiss Re: Insurance Industry Must Wake Up to Costs of ‘Secondary’ Catastrophe Perils
The insurance industry must wake up to the growing cost of... -
FeaturesOklahoma Supreme Court: Non-Economic Damages Cap Is Unconstitutional
The Oklahoma Supreme Court on April 23 struck down a state law that... -
FeaturesOklahoma Lawmakers Send Autonomous Vehicle Safety Bill to Governor
Oklahoma would establish rules regulating how to safely operate...
National Coverage
Editor's NotePhone Addicts
Last year, more than 6,000 pedestrians lost their lives in accidents... -
Cover StoryTelemedicine Takes Workers’ Comp Into the Future
The use of telemedicine may be in its nascent stages within the... -
FeaturesRecent Commission Ruling Highlights Need for National Workplace Violence Prevention Standard
A federal commission decision that an employer had a duty to protect... -
FeaturesHow Workplace Violence Impacts the Bottom Line
Workplace violence leaves chaos in its wake. Besides the psychic... -
FeaturesExpanding Medical Urgent Care Market Offers Opportunities for Agents
Over the past decade, urgent care facilities have emerged as popular,... -
FeaturesThe Need for Agents (to Do Their Jobs)
I received a nice notice from my commercial GL carrier advising the... -
FeaturesSorry! Laws Protecting Doctors Who Apologize Don’t Lessen Litigation
Laws intended to reduce malpractice litigation by protecting doctors... -
FeaturesResolving Insurance Coverage and Claims Disputes: Advocacy
In the past two columns, we've examined the importance and value of... -
Idea ExchangeRemote Employees: Your Biggest Game Changer to Fill Openings Now
Q: I'm the Talent Acquisition Director for a national brokerage and... -
FeaturesMyNewMarkets.com Upgrades With New Agent Features, Enhanced Search
MyNewMarkets.com unveiled a redesign with new features for both... -
FeaturesRisk Managers Report Lowest Level of Risk Readiness in 12 Years: Aon
Survey Ranks Economic Slowdown, Reputation/Brand as Top Concerns... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
DMEPOS Surety Bonds Market Detail: ProSure Group Inc.'s DMEPOS... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
National ProAg, AmTrust Agriculture Producers Ag Insurance Group Inc.... -
Increased Limits "While we wanted to increase the speed limit on our... -
People & PlacesPeople
National Robert Bauer has joined insurance broker Marsh to lead its...