June 17, 2019
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Insurance Journal South Central Magazine
Construction Market & Risks Report; Markets: Umbrellas (Personal & Commercial); Special Supplement: The Florida Issue
In this Issue
FeaturesOklahoma Climatological Survey: 61 Twisters Hit the State in May
Of the two types of weather hazards -- floods and tornadoes -- that... -
FeaturesReported Surplus Lines Premium Breaking Records in Texas This Year
Surplus lines premium in Texas has consistently broken records each... -
FeaturesCoreLogic: Texas, Louisiana Among States Most at Risk for Storm Surge
Some 7.3 million U.S. homes with an estimated reconstruction cost of... -
FeaturesHarvey Recovery Ongoing as 2019 Hurricane Season Begins
Early forecasts for the 2019 U.S. Atlantic hurricane season... -
FeaturesReport: Texas Would Lose Billions if Another Major Storm Hits Coast
Housing sales in Texas would drop, gasoline prices would increase,... -
FeaturesMore than 50K New Insurance Producers, Adjusters Licensed in Arkansas Since 2015
The chief insurance regulator in Arkansas says he has approved more... -
FeaturesLouisiana Tells United HealthCare it Must Pay Insurance Producer Commissions
Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon says United HealthCare... -
FeaturesMoratorium on Insurance Policy Cancellations in Effect in Arkansas
The Arkansas Insurance Department at the end of May announced a... -
FeaturesOfficials: Floodwaters Swamped Approximately 600 Tulsa County Structures
About 600 Tulsa County homes and business were inundated during...
National Coverage
Cover StoryUnderwriters Get Picky: 5 Trends to Watch in Construction Insurance
Construction insurance specialists say their insurance market is... -
Editor's NoteAre Older Workers Hindering the Younger Generation?
Is it a bad thing that a larger number of older Americans continue to... -
FeaturesA Clear Path For Agencies Hiring Young Account Managers
As a recruiting partner to insurance agencies, so much of my role is... -
FeaturesComparing Coverage: Umbrella and Excess Liability
Liability insurance protects the customer when something happens to... -
FeaturesGrowth in Construction, Freight Is Good News for Inland Marine Market
The inland marine insurance segment has grown steadily in the past... -
Idea ExchangeIt’s Time to Redefine Agency Customer Experience
The term customer experience has become a catch-all, almost cliche... -
FeaturesA Place for Technology at Every Point in the Claims Process
The digital transformation of the insurance industry isn't just for... -
FeaturesFuture Focused? Research Finds Agents Split on Succession Planning: Channel Harvest
Is succession planning a priority for independent agencies? How... -
FeaturesEarly Cannabis Insurance Claims Experience Differs from Expectations
It's still early, but claims experience thus far in the cannabis... -
Idea ExchangeWorkers’ Comp: Delivering for Our Neighbors
Every year, there are more than 2 million workplace injuries in the... -
Idea ExchangeHow Insurtech Will Revolutionize Inland Marine by Cutting Costs
Insurtech advances will soon drive down unacceptably high expense... -
Idea ExchangeExtreme Ownership of the Agency
In May, one of our agency clients, Milestone Risk Management &... -
FeaturesInsurance First and Always
There's one thing that Mike Bulow has never thought about, and that's... -
FeaturesWhat Might Happen If Congress Fails to Renew Terrorism Reinsurance Program
The long-term viability of the U.S. property terrorism insurance... -
Idea Exchange‘Film Don’t Lie’
I spent 30 years in Dallas, listening to talk radio - specifically,... -
FeaturesP/C Direct Premium Written Up 4.2% in Q1: Demotech
Direct premium written (DPW) for property/casualty insurance... -
FeaturesRoost Gathering Data as it Awaits Insurance Industry Transformation
For years, insurance industry observers have been predicting that... -
FeaturesCommercial Insurance Prices Up Again in Q1; Auto, D&O Lead the Pack
Commercial insurance prices in the U.S. increased in the first... -
People & PlacesPeople
National Pioneer Underwriters, the underwriting group within Minova... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
National Ryan Specialty, Atlantic Specialty Ryan Specialty Group has... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
FedEx Contractor Program Market Detail: Avant Brokerage... -
Closing QuoteCareer Sense: Reverse, Prioritize, Partner, Attack
Gone are the days of insurers and brokers offering multiline and...