In this Issue
Wholesaler AVRECO has added Charles Becker as assistant vice... -
FeaturesOhio Supreme Court OKs Geographic Limitations on UM Coverage
The Ohio Supreme Court handed down an opinion on Oct. 12 holding that... -
FeaturesThe Three-Legged Stool
A heartfelt vision for perpetuation is one of the prime beliefs that... -
FeaturesNearly 90 Percent of U.S. Corporations Juggle Multiple Lawsuits
Litigation has become the great equalizer of the modern corporation.... -
FeaturesUninsured /Underinsured Motorist
This recurring feature examines insurance coverage decisions in the... -
FeaturesWisconsin Assembly Reinstates Med-Mal Caps But Governor’s Veto Likely
The Wisconsin State Assembly last month passed a bill to reinstate... -
FeaturesMichigan Governor Seeks 20% Discount on Auto, Homeowners Rates
Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Democratic lawmakers want to give... -
FeaturesWhat’s Wrong with an “Aging Workforce”?
Aging workforce" is a term often heard throughout corporate America.... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Chicken Little in Reverse
I was in Tempe, Arizona at the fifth annual Target Markets Program... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
ILLINOIS Garrett Bonham, 29, seeks more than $75,000 in a lawsuit... -
Editor's NoteChicken Little in Reverse
I was in Tempe, Arizona at the fifth annual Target Markets Program... -
FeaturesMichigan Governor Seeks 20% Discount on Auto, Homeowners Rates
Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Democratic lawmakers want to give... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
Charles Becker Wholesaler AVRECO has added Charles Becker as... -
FeaturesNearly 90 Percent of U.S. Corporations Juggle Multiple Lawsuits
Litigation has become the great equalizer of the modern corporation.... -
FeaturesWhat’s Wrong with an “Aging Workforce”?
Aging workforce" is a term often heard throughout corporate America.... -
Case WatchCase Law Watch
This recurring feature examines insurance coverage decisions in the... -
FeaturesThe Three-Legged Stool
A heartfelt vision for perpetuation is one of the prime beliefs that... -
FeaturesOhio Supreme Court OKs Geographic Limitations on UM Coverage
The Ohio Supreme Court handed down an opinion on Oct. 12 holding that... -
FeaturesWisconsin Assembly Reinstates Med-Mal Caps But Governor’s Veto Likely
The Wisconsin State Assembly last month passed a bill to reinstate... -
A former employee performing as a jousting "knight" at a Medieval... -
A federal judge has ruled that jailed Illinois insurance mogul... -
The Michigan House of Representatives passed H.B. 4577, the Medicaid... -
Northwest Airlines plans to begin charging some of its workers who... -
Missouri State Auditor Claire McCaskill has proposed that the state... -
The North Dakota Insurance Department is assisting state Medicare... -
FeaturesCredit-based Insurance Scoring Remains a Key Legislative, Regulatory Issue
Credit-based insurance scoring has been a contentious legislative and... -
FeaturesE&O Alert: Has Your Agency Outgrown Its Policies and Procedures?
If your agency has grown over the years, then you've probably gone... -
FeaturesNonprofit D&O Essentials: Homeowners, Condo Association Boards Beware
Americans place significant value on their residential investments.... -
FeaturesIndustry Focus: Assessing Client Risk in Health Care
While companies in every market segment will need to address their... -
FeaturesLike A Virus
Technology and Information Risk Infect Traditional Businesses... -
FeaturesDebating the Changing Climate — It’s for the Birds
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like... -
Cover StoryDisaster Claims and the Ripple Effect
Hurricane Katrina has long gone, but the aftereffects of the mighty... -
FeaturesMarketScout Barometer Shows Continued Softening in Professional Liability Market
MarketScout has analyzed the submissions from its agency network in... -
FeaturesEmployment Practices Liability: Like Fine Wine, Better With Time
Many insurance products grow better with the passage of time, as good... -
FeaturesValue Added Services Stand Out from the Pack
Most consumers buy on price and not value. True or False? The vast... -
FeaturesInternational Newsbriefs
Asian Quake Death Toll Over 50,000: The 7.6 magnitude earthquake that... -
FeaturesNational Newsbriefs
P/C Insurers Post Record Results in 2005: The U.S. property/casualty... -
FeaturesPCI Meeting Focuses on Reform of “Flawed” Regulatory System
Regulatory reform, terrorism insurance and the eventual impact of... -
FeaturesPlanning Ahead: Navigating Clients through Disasters
Most insurance agents and brokers have worked hard to build their... -
FeaturesIJ Online Exclusive: Swett & Crawford Group Gains Independence Again
Insurance Journal Publisher Mark Wells interviewed Dave Hartoch,...
National Coverage
FeaturesLike A Virus
Following the "burst" of the dot-com bubble in 2001, business... -
FeaturesPCI Meeting Focuses on Reform of “Flawed” Regulatory System
Regulatory reform, terrorism insurance and the eventual impact of... -
FeaturesPlanning Ahead: Navigating Clients through Disasters
Most insurance agents and brokers have worked hard to build their... -
D+C-R=L2 Mathematical formulas are often the simplest way to express... -
FeaturesIJ Online Exclusive: Swett & Crawford Group Gains Independence Again
Insurance Journal Publisher Mark Wells interviewed Dave Hartoch,... -
FeaturesNonprofit D&O Essentials: Homeowners, Condo Association Boards Beware
Americans place significant value on their residential investments.... -
FeaturesEmployment Practices Liability: Like Fine Wine, Better With Time
Many insurance products grow better with the passage of time, as good... -
FeaturesMarketScout Barometer Shows Continued Softening in Professional Liability Market
MarketScout has analyzed the submissions from its agency network in... -
FeaturesE&O Alert: Has Your Agency Outgrown Its Policies and Procedures?
If your agency has grown over the years, then you've probably gone... -
FeaturesCredit-based Insurance Scoring Remains a Key Legislative, Regulatory Issue
Credit-based insurance scoring has been a contentious legislative and... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
Asian Quake Death Toll Over 50,000: The 7.6 magnitude earthquake that... -
FeaturesDebating the Changing Climate – It’s for the Birds
Powerful, but perhaps prophetic words, following the passage of... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
P/C Insurers Post Record Results in 2005: The U.S. property/casualty... -
FeaturesEvolution of Technology and Information
1970s Information can be stored and automated. IBM mainframes become... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
P/C Insurers Post Record Results in 2005: The U.S. property/casualty... -
FeaturesProfessional liability ripples
urricane Katrina has long gone, but the aftereffects of the mighty... -
Minding Your BusinessValue Added Services Stand Out from the Pack
For most firms, the insurance consumer will not see any major value...