July 3, 2006
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Insurance Journal Midwest Magazine
Lawyers overseeing lawyers; can lawyers police themselves- A new look
In this Issue
Closing QuoteTwo legal cases in the eye of Hurricane Katrina
Say Hurricane Katrina and you immediately think of New Orleans; say... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Arthur J. Gallagher, Lemac & Associates Itasca, Ill.-based Arthur J.... -
People & PlacesPeople
Minneapolis, Minn.-based ING named Susan Anderson president and CEO... -
FeaturesRising tide of lawsuits-EPLI
The reality of today's workplace is that a wide variety of employee... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Workers' Comp: Middle Market Nuts & Bolts: Workers' compensation for... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Michigan helmet repeal legislation nixed by governor Michigan Gov.... -
FeaturesIndustry pay increases running slightly above others
Pay increases for most salaried workers will average only 3.5 percent... -
FeaturesInsuring Indian country
Indian tribes are no longer merely casino entrepreneurs or cigarette... -
FeaturesSupreme Court: Workers’ comp premiums not priority in bankruptcy
News Currents A workers' compensation insurer does not have a claim... -
FeaturesIndustry pay increases running slightly above others
Pay increases for most salaried workers will average only 3.5 percent... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Risk mixing and matching with miscellaneous health care facilities... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Minimizing lawsuit exposure in the workplace … EPLI
No one would argue that today's society is possibly the most... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Michigan helmet repeal legislation nixed by governor Michigan Gov.... -
FeaturesCreative marketing pays off when insuring today’s artisan contractors
When it comes to life in America, our homes, like our cars, will... -
FeaturesTurning the tables: Coping with a new era of risk
A new era demands new approaches including a federal charter and a... -
FeaturesNew Drive Insurance chief eyes growth strategy
A new captain has taken the wheel at Drive Insurance, the independent... -
CurrentsSupreme Court: Workers’ comp premiums not priority in bankruptcy
A workers' compensation insurer does not have a claim against a... -
FeaturesFrom start to finish theft protection; a must for artisan contractors
As the construction industry in the United States continues to rise... -
FeaturesRaising the bar on liquor liability training
Are your clients willing to risk the loss of their liquor license,... -
CurrentsSlimmed-down SMART bill to reform surplus lines insurance regulation; brokers pledge their support
In a step to overhaul the current state of insurance regulation,... -
FeaturesThe 10 Percent Solution: An approach to internal perpetuation
Today, there are plenty of deals where the owners of an agency sell... -
Cover StoryLawyers Overseeing Lawyers: Can lawyers police themselves? A new look at self-regulation
No country has as many lawyers as the United States - more than... -
CurrentsCEOs, concerned about capacity and pricing, stress underwriting discipline
Although property casualty insurance capacity still exists in some... -
Editor's NoteMinimizing lawsuit exposure in the workplace … EPLI
No one would argue that today's society is possibly the most... -
FeaturesTwo legal cases in the eye of Hurricane Katrina
Say Hurricane Katrina and you immediately think of New Orleans; say... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Workers' Comp: Middle Market Nuts & Bolts: Workers' compensation for... -
CurrentsRisk mixing and matching with miscellaneous health care facilities
Someone once said "change is inevitable," and in the health care... -
CurrentsMichigan helmet repeal legislation nixed by governor
Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm vetoed a bill on June 23 that would... -
FeaturesRising tide of lawsuits–EPLI
The reality of today's workplace is that a wide variety of employee... -
CurrentsIndustry pay increases running slightly above others
Pay increases for most salaried workers will average only 3.5 percent... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Minneapolis, Minn.-based ING named Susan Anderson president and CEO... -
FeaturesInsuring Indian country
Indian tribes are no longer merely casino entrepreneurs or cigarette...
National Coverage
FeaturesLawyers Overseeing Layers
No country has as many lawyers as the United States — more than...