In this Issue
Editor's NoteGood sports
If independent agents ever decide to designate a particular sport the... -
FeaturesNot telling consumers about risks may be an agent’s biggest risk
Every year, just before daylight savings time rolls around, I get a... -
CurrentsHurricane forecasts lighten up
Forecasters are saying that the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season should... -
CurrentsSmall is safer
Small workplaces that are a business' only location are among the... -
CurrentsIt Figures
$593 million The aggregate, policyholder surplus in 2005 of 25 risk... -
CurrentsSafer cars, not better drivers, behind fewer roadway deaths
The designs of passenger vehicles have been improving for years,... -
CurrentsShareholders lose out in class action securities settlements, study says
Since 1995, there have been 755 separate cases of class action... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Loveland, Ohio-based Indiana Insurance, a member of the Liberty... -
CurrentsHawaii becomes the first state in the nation to order anti-viral flu drugs
Hawaii became the first state in the nation to order anti-viral flu... -
CurrentsIt Figures
175 Number of Americans who die from extreme heat in a normal year,... -
CurrentsNew Mexico insurance official is formally fired
New Mexico's Public Regulation Commission has fired Deputy Insurance... -
CurrentsCalifornia agents-brokers face new rule
The California Department of Insurance has issued new ethics... -
CurrentsJudge denies California insurers’ lawsuit to stop auto rate regs
A Sacramento Superior Court judge has rejected the insurance... -
CurrentsPoll reveals misconceptions about renter’s insurance
Every year, residents end up with millions of dollars in uninsured... -
CurrentsIt Figures
86% The percent of Virginians opposed to increasing fees on car... -
CurrentsBeacon Mutual search
The Beacon Mutual Insurance Company board of directors has retained... -
CurrentsVermont captive industry celebrates 25th birthday in grateful state
More than 1,200 people showed up in South Burlington, Vt., early in... -
CurrentsIt Figures
160 The number of demolition permits issued in Lake Charles, La.,... -
CurrentsOklahoma, Texas have most uninsured children
Arkansas led the nation in the reducing the number of uninsured... -
CurrentsFinding the ‘Road Home’ in Louisiana
Louisiana officials expect 123,000 homeowners with damage from... -
CurrentsMore drought relief needed in Oklahoma
Oklahoma State Sen. Jeff Rabon recently asked the U.S. Congress to... -
CurrentsNo reinsurance for Louisiana cost Allstate $2 billion
Allstate Insurance Co. failed to buy reinsurance last year to cover... -
FeaturesPar for the course: golf club premiums
Golf and country clubs are complex risks that make it difficult for... -
FeaturesGolf Course Risks and Greek Mythology?
Golf and Country Clubs First task. Impress the readers. Risk... -
FeaturesHelp golf courses help themselves
Golfcourseforms.com is an e-commerce Web site designed for golf... -
CurrentsLawyers group pulls surfing contest sponsorship for fear of being sued
The nation's lawyers apparently have no fear of sharks -- unless... -
CurrentsEvery W. Va. employer targeted for workers’ comp audit
West Virginia's workers' compensation insurance provider has a lofty... -
CurrentsIt Figures
$250,000 The minimum liability insurance limits required of home... -
CurrentsNew crop insurance tools
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns unveiled two new risk... -
CurrentsMich. Supreme Court’s stand on asbestos cases could impact other states
The Michigan Supreme Court's decision to preclude trial courts from... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Environmental Insurance Program Nuts & Bolts: Burns & Wilcox, a... -
FeaturesMajor League Baseball scores with workers’ comp cost reduction program
Workers' compensation claims could foul up any company, and Major... -
FeaturesRough riding for workers’ comp on the racetrack
The problem of providing workers' compensation insurance for jockeys... -
FeaturesMotor sports coverage: garage risks on speed
The high-value of even the lowest-priced racing cars and the... -
FeaturesFilm exposures: managing the risk of making a movie
Creating a Hollywood movie is not always as glamorous as it sounds.... -
Risky business is more than just the name of an '80s movie -- it also... -
FeaturesSki industry controls risk even as snowboarders invade the slopes
For skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts, winter can't arrive fast... -
FeaturesClaims myth fuels fear of building skateboarding parks
Cities across North America often shy away from building skate parks,... -
FeaturesSpecial events coverage can save the day
Picture this. It is a bright, sunny day and Joe and Mary decide to... -
Cover StoryIndependent agents sold on golf
It seems nearly every insurance convention or meeting is conjoined... -
FeaturesIn a league of its own
Celebrating the 38th annual Trusted Choice Big "I" Junior Classic,... -
Minding Your BusinessEverything I need to know about management I learned from golf
The great thing about life is that the lessons we learn in one part... -
FeaturesSeven ways to sell more insurance while wearing a golf sweater
You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she plays golf. A... -
Features10 easy steps to a paperless agency
Going paperless increases bottom line savings dramatically and can be... -
CurrentsBrokers experience ‘exceptional’ second quarter; vigorous M&A activity
Stock Price Activity: Exceptional 2006 second quarter earnings... -
CurrentsMaking the most out of each outside sales call
As a sales professional, you're aware of how crucial successful... -
CurrentsTexas agent duplicates first ever hole-in-one
When a State Farm agent from Lubbock, Texas, entered the insurance...
National Coverage
It FiguresFigures
$250,000 The minimum liability insurance limits required of home... -
FeaturesRough riding for workers’ comp on the racetrack
The problem of providing workers' compensation insurance for jockeys... -
FeaturesEvery W. Va. employer targeted for workers’ comp audit
West Virginia's workers' compensation insurance provider has a lofty... -
FeaturesIndustry on the Green
1. The grand champion team PIA of Tennessee and the Tennessee 1752... -
FeaturesBrokers experience ‘exceptional’ second quarter; vigorous M&A activity
Stock Price Activity: Exceptional 2006 second quarter earnings... -
Features10 easy steps to a paperless agency
Going paperless increases bottom line savings dramatically and can be... -
FeaturesSki industry controls risk even as snowboarders invade the slopes
For skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts, winter can't arrive fast... -
FeaturesIllinois doctor disciplinary agency criticized
Auditors examining the Illinois agency that disciplines bad doctors... -
FeaturesIn a league of its own
Celebrating the 38th annual Trusted Choice Big "I" Junior Classic,... -
It FiguresFigures
$22 million The market value of the 17-acre suburban Chicago home of... -
FeaturesNews Currents
Miss. weighs changes to wind pool Mississippi lawmakers are... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Environmental Insurance Program Nuts & Bolts: Burns & Wilcox, a... -
FeaturesPar for the course: golf club premiums
Golf and country clubs are complex risks that make it difficult for... -
FeaturesMajor League Baseball scores with workers’ comp cost reduction program
Workers' compensation claims could foul up any company, and Major... -
FeaturesMotor sports coverage: garage risks on speed
The high-value of even the lowest-priced racing cars and the... -
FeaturesLawyers group pulls surfing contest sponsorship for fear of being sued
The nation's lawyers apparently have no fear of sharks — unless... -
FeaturesSpecial events coverage can save the day
Picture this. It is a bright, sunny day and Joe and Mary decide to... -
FeaturesCameron Edens, 17, (on left) made history when he became the first player in 25 years to win back-to-back
Boys' Division championships in the Trusted Choice Big "I" Junior... -
FeaturesTexas agent duplicates first ever hole-in-one
When a State Farm agent from Lubbock, Texas, entered the insurance... -
FeaturesGolf Course Risks and Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a deceitful king who was condemned... -
Dangerous rum "The burning rum stuck to her skin and continued to... -
'Dumb driving' fines "You crash, you pay ... your insurance premium... -
FeaturesNew crop insurance tools
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns unveiled two new risk... -
Closing QuoteNot telling consumers about risks may be an agent’s biggest risk
Every year, just before daylight savings time rolls around, I get a... -
FeaturesFloridians begin to question insurers’ ‘pup companies’
A lot of Floridians have had their homeowners insurance company... -
FeaturesMaking the most out of each outside sales call
As a sales professional, you're aware of how crucial successful... -
FeaturesGolf tips from agents
Bob Bramlett, owner, The Bramlett Agency, Ardmore, Okla. 8 handicap... -
FeaturesIndependent agents sold on golf
It seems nearly every insurance convention or meeting is conjoined... -
FeaturesInsurer’s injured workers’ data stolen; sold on Internet
Personal information on 72 workers' compensation claimants was stolen... -
FeaturesMichigan blocks asbestos case
The Michigan Supreme Court's 4-3 decision to preclude trial courts... -
FeaturesRough riding for workers’ comp on the racetrack
The problem of providing workers' compensation insurance for jockeys... -
FeaturesClaims myth fuels fear of building skateboarding parks
Cities across North America often shy away from building skate parks,... -
FeaturesIndependent agents sold on golf
SPECIAL REPORT: It seems nearly every insurance convention or meeting... -
FeaturesMich. Supreme Court’s stand on asbestos cases could impact other states
The Michigan Supreme Court's decision to preclude trial courts from... -
FeaturesFilm exposures:
Creating a Hollywood movie is not always as glamorous as it sounds.... -
Minding Your BusinessEverything I need to know about management I learned from golf
The great thing about life is that the lessons we learn in one part... -
FeaturesSeven ways to sell more insurance while wearing a golf sweater
You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she plays golf. A...